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Internkontroll och systemtillsyn av arbetsmiljön i fyra svenska kommuner : En rättssociologisk studie

Zanderin, Lars LU (2004) In Lund Studies in Sociology of Law 21.
This sociology of law dissertation studies parts of the Swedish work environment regulations: the employer’s internal control of the work environment (nowadays systematic work environment activities) and the labour inspectorate’s auditing of internal control within the municipalities’ care of the elderly.

The aim of the study is to investigate whether and to what extent the actors of the implementation process understand, are willing and able to implement internal control in the blocks of service flats studied in the selected municipalities and how it can be understood or explained. I investigate how internal control is implemented within the municipal care of the elderly. The focus of the investigation is on studying... (More)
This sociology of law dissertation studies parts of the Swedish work environment regulations: the employer’s internal control of the work environment (nowadays systematic work environment activities) and the labour inspectorate’s auditing of internal control within the municipalities’ care of the elderly.

The aim of the study is to investigate whether and to what extent the actors of the implementation process understand, are willing and able to implement internal control in the blocks of service flats studied in the selected municipalities and how it can be understood or explained. I investigate how internal control is implemented within the municipal care of the elderly. The focus of the investigation is on studying the internal control process and the mappings, risk analyses, work environment policies, action plans and personnel participation involved and on following up and evaluating the internal control.

In addition, I study the auditing of the internal control in the municipalities through the labour inspectorate’s system supervision – and to some extent detail supervision – and system inspections, thus giving a picture of how the internal control process is carried out.

My study of internal control and system supervision/inspection was carried out in twelve service blocks within the care of the elderly in four Swedish municipalities (the N, U, V and Ä municipalities); changes in the structure of the care of the elderly later reduced the number of service blocks to eleven. In the two labour inspectorate districts, of which the twelve service blocks and the four municipalities form part, studies are also made of the labour inspectorate’s system supervision and inspections. The implementation of internal control in the twelve service blocks during the four consecutive field studies from 1994 to 1999 constitutes my cases. I have used individual interviews, group interviews, observations, document studies and literature studies in collecting material for my four field studies.

The central issue of the dissertation: “Why does the result of the implementation look the way it does?” is studied both from an actor perspective and from the perspective of political and administrative bodies and regulations. Whether the attempts at control succeed or fail is decided at the actor level by the relation between on the one hand the capabilities and priorities of the controller and on the other hand three qualities in those controlled, namely understanding, willingness and ability. The actors are also affected by different national political and administrative bodies as well as by local political and administrative bodies, which generate organization factors, activity factors, economy factors and personnel factors in municipal activities.

My study shows that neither unit heads and safety representatives nor the personnel in the service blocks selected in N community understand, or are willing or able to implement internal control. Unit managers and safety representatives and to some extent the personnel of the service blocks I studied in U, V and Ä municipalities understand the internal control regulations and are willing and to some extent able to implement internal control. Two service blocks in the three municipalities cannot implement internal control. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Denna rättssociologiska avhandling studerar delar av den svenska arbetsmiljöregleringen: arbetsgivarens internkontroll av arbetsmiljön (numera systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete) och yrkesinspektionens efterkontroll av internkontrollen inom den kommunala sektorns äldreomsorg.

Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka om och i vad mån genomförandeprocessens aktörer förstår internkontrollen, vill genomföra internkontrollen och kan implementera internkontrollen på de undersökta servicehusen i undersökningskommunerna och hur det kan förstås eller förklaras. Jag undersöker hur internkontroll implementeras inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen. Undersökningens tyngdpunkt ligger på studierna av... (More)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Denna rättssociologiska avhandling studerar delar av den svenska arbetsmiljöregleringen: arbetsgivarens internkontroll av arbetsmiljön (numera systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete) och yrkesinspektionens efterkontroll av internkontrollen inom den kommunala sektorns äldreomsorg.

Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka om och i vad mån genomförandeprocessens aktörer förstår internkontrollen, vill genomföra internkontrollen och kan implementera internkontrollen på de undersökta servicehusen i undersökningskommunerna och hur det kan förstås eller förklaras. Jag undersöker hur internkontroll implementeras inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen. Undersökningens tyngdpunkt ligger på studierna av interkontrollprocessen och i den ingående kartläggningar, riskanalyser, arbetsmiljöpolicy, handlingsplaner, personalmedverkan samt uppföljning och utvärdering av internkontrollen.

Vidare undersöker jag efterkontrollen av kommunernas internkontroll genom yrkesinspektionens systemtillsyn – och i viss mån detaljtillsyn samt systeminspektioner, vilket ger en bild av hur IK-processen genomförs. Denna del är inte central, utan snarare komplementär, relaterat till den centrala undersökningen av genomförandet av internkontrollen och internkontrollprocessen.

Min undersökning av internkontroll respektive systemtillsyn/systeminspektion har genomförts på tolv servicehus inom äldreomsorgen i fyra svenska kommuner (kommunerna N, U, V och Ä); på grund av förändringar i inriktningen av äldreomsorgen blev antalet servicehus senare elva. I de två yrkesinspektionsdistrikten (U- och V-distrikten), som de tolv (elva) servicehusen och de fyra kommunerna ingår i, genomfödes också undersökningar av yrkesinspektionens systemtillsyn och systeminspektioner. Genomförandet av internkontroll i de tolv servicehusen (i de fyra kommunerna) under de fyra på varandra följande fältarbetena 1994–1999 är mina fall. Jag har använt mig av intervjuer, gruppintervjuer, observationer, dokumentstudier och litteraturstudier i min materialinsamling under mina fyra fältarbeten.

Avhandlingens centrala frågeställning: ”Varför ser resultatet av implementeringen ut som det gör?” studeras dels ur ett aktörsperspektiv, dels ur ett perspektiv med politiska och administrativa organ och regler. Huruvida försöken att styra, lyckas eller misslyckas avgörs på aktörsplanet av relationen mellan å ena sidan den styrandes kapabiliteter och prioriteter, och å andra sidan tre egenskaper hos den styrde, nämligen förstår, vill och kan. Aktörerna påverkas också av olika politiska och administrativa statliga organ och politiska och administrativa kommunala organ (främst de kommunala politiska och administrativa organen) som genererar organisationsfaktorer, verksamhetsfaktorer, ekonomifaktorer och personalfaktorer i de kommunala verksamheterna.

Min undersökning visar att enhetschefer och skyddsombud samt personalen i undersökta servicehus i N kommun inte förstår, inte vill och inte kan implementera internkontrollen. Enhetschefer (motsvarande) och skyddsombud samt delvis personalen i de servicehus jag undersökt i kommunerna U, V och Ä förstår internkontrollföreskriften och vill implementera internkontrollen samt kan delvis genomföra internkontrollen. Två servicehus i de tre kommunerna kan inte implementera internkontrollen.

Slutsatsen av min undersökning är att arbetsmiljön inte ses som en integrerad del av äldreomsorgen på de undersökta servicehusen i de fyra undersökningskommunerna, även om enhetscheferna och skyddsombuden på olika sätt - i huvuddelen av fallen -förstår, vill och delvis kan implementera internkontrollen. (Less)
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  • Professor Uusitalo, Paavo
publishing date
publication status
Administrative law, workplace representatives, work environment legislation, system supervision, safety representatives, political systems, occupational safety and health, municipalities, local managers, internal control, elderly care, implementation, Sociology of labour, sociology of enterprise, Förvaltningsrätt, Arbetslivssociologi, företagssociologi
Lund Studies in Sociology of Law
336 pages
Lund University
defense location
Edens hörsal
defense date
2004-10-01 13:15:00
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c974e5aa-91c3-473e-aba1-8b0525fe49f1 (old id 21521)
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2016-04-01 16:41:37
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2021-03-08 11:23:56
  abstract     = {{This sociology of law dissertation studies parts of the Swedish work environment regulations: the employer’s internal control of the work environment (nowadays systematic work environment activities) and the labour inspectorate’s auditing of internal control within the municipalities’ care of the elderly.<br/><br>
The aim of the study is to investigate whether and to what extent the actors of the implementation process understand, are willing and able to implement internal control in the blocks of service flats studied in the selected municipalities and how it can be understood or explained. I investigate how internal control is implemented within the municipal care of the elderly. The focus of the investigation is on studying the internal control process and the mappings, risk analyses, work environment policies, action plans and personnel participation involved and on following up and evaluating the internal control.<br/><br>
In addition, I study the auditing of the internal control in the municipalities through the labour inspectorate’s system supervision – and to some extent detail supervision – and system inspections, thus giving a picture of how the internal control process is carried out.<br/><br>
My study of internal control and system supervision/inspection was carried out in twelve service blocks within the care of the elderly in four Swedish municipalities (the N, U, V and Ä municipalities); changes in the structure of the care of the elderly later reduced the number of service blocks to eleven. In the two labour inspectorate districts, of which the twelve service blocks and the four municipalities form part, studies are also made of the labour inspectorate’s system supervision and inspections. The implementation of internal control in the twelve service blocks during the four consecutive field studies from 1994 to 1999 constitutes my cases. I have used individual interviews, group interviews, observations, document studies and literature studies in collecting material for my four field studies.<br/><br>
The central issue of the dissertation: “Why does the result of the implementation look the way it does?” is studied both from an actor perspective and from the perspective of political and administrative bodies and regulations. Whether the attempts at control succeed or fail is decided at the actor level by the relation between on the one hand the capabilities and priorities of the controller and on the other hand three qualities in those controlled, namely understanding, willingness and ability. The actors are also affected by different national political and administrative bodies as well as by local political and administrative bodies, which generate organization factors, activity factors, economy factors and personnel factors in municipal activities.<br/><br>
My study shows that neither unit heads and safety representatives nor the personnel in the service blocks selected in N community understand, or are willing or able to implement internal control. Unit managers and safety representatives and to some extent the personnel of the service blocks I studied in U, V and Ä municipalities understand the internal control regulations and are willing and to some extent able to implement internal control. Two service blocks in the three municipalities cannot implement internal control.}},
  author       = {{Zanderin, Lars}},
  isbn         = {{91-7267-177-7}},
  issn         = {{1403-7246}},
  keywords     = {{Administrative law; workplace representatives; work environment legislation; system supervision; safety representatives; political systems; occupational safety and health; municipalities; local managers; internal control; elderly care; implementation; Sociology of labour; sociology of enterprise; Förvaltningsrätt; Arbetslivssociologi; företagssociologi}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  publisher    = {{Lund University}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  series       = {{Lund Studies in Sociology of Law}},
  title        = {{Internkontroll och systemtillsyn av arbetsmiljön i fyra svenska kommuner : En rättssociologisk studie}},
  volume       = {{21}},
  year         = {{2004}},