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The Prohibitive Condition : The Performativity of the Incest Taboo and its Incestuous Remainders

Karlsson, Caroline LU (2024) In Lund Political Studies
This dissertation explores the political nature of the incest taboo, with an analytical focus on its object of prohibition: incest. From the perspective of political philosophy, the incest taboo appears as problem of an unruly human nature that must be subjected to a foundational civilizing law. To this end, the taboo’s authority seems to derive from its ability to evict tendencies and desires that are somehow deemed too dangerous for society. Yet, the aim of this dissertation is to discern what the taboo is supposed to prohibit in prohibiting incest and what the conditions are that purportedly justify and continue to authorize such a prohibition. To address these concerns, I turn to psychoanalytic theory with its genealogical roots in... (More)
This dissertation explores the political nature of the incest taboo, with an analytical focus on its object of prohibition: incest. From the perspective of political philosophy, the incest taboo appears as problem of an unruly human nature that must be subjected to a foundational civilizing law. To this end, the taboo’s authority seems to derive from its ability to evict tendencies and desires that are somehow deemed too dangerous for society. Yet, the aim of this dissertation is to discern what the taboo is supposed to prohibit in prohibiting incest and what the conditions are that purportedly justify and continue to authorize such a prohibition. To address these concerns, I turn to psychoanalytic theory with its genealogical roots in structural anthropology, specifically the work of Sigmund Freud, Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jacques Lacan.

By arguing that these authors’ writings on the incest taboo can be read as a political theory – as a version of the social contract fable – I explore how their thinking engender incest as an object of prohibition; as something that must be excluded in order for a cohesive and harmonious political community to come into being. Drawing on Judith Butler’s theory of performativity, I argue that the authority of incest taboo, as guarantor of political community, is established and reaffirmed through the iterative production and exclusion of incest as an object of prohibition. Through a queer and psychoanalytical interpretation of Bonnie Honig’s idea of ‘the remainder’, I use three cases from Sweden to illustrate how different subjects are performatively called into being as queer incestuous remainders, as figures who seem unable to comply with the normative conditions put in place by the taboo’s prohibition. As embodiments of such failure, the incestuous remainders appear uncanny and threatening to the political order constituted precisely through the exclusion of incest.

Thus, by bringing psychoanalytical theory, political theory and queer theory together in an effort to theorize incest from the queer position of the remainder, this dissertation offers a political theory of the incest taboo that critically interrogates what the taboo promises to make possible by prohibiting incest.
Abstract (Swedish)
Den här avhandlingen utforskar incesttabuts politiska natur genom att analytiskt fokusera på dess förbudsobjekt: incest. Från ett politiskfilosofiskt perspektiv framstår incesttabut som ett problem som handlar om att människans otyglade natur på olika sätt måste begränsas genom en grundläggande civiliserande lag. Följaktligen verkar incesttabuts auktoritet knytas till dess förmåga att utesluta tendenser och begär som framstår som hotande för samhället. Mitt syfte i den här avhandlingen är, emellertid, att urskilja vad incesttabut försöker förbjuda genom att förbjuda incest och vilka villkoren är som antas rättfärdiga och fortsatt auktorisera ett sådant förbjud. För att adressera dessa problem vänder jag mig till psykoanalysen och dess... (More)
Den här avhandlingen utforskar incesttabuts politiska natur genom att analytiskt fokusera på dess förbudsobjekt: incest. Från ett politiskfilosofiskt perspektiv framstår incesttabut som ett problem som handlar om att människans otyglade natur på olika sätt måste begränsas genom en grundläggande civiliserande lag. Följaktligen verkar incesttabuts auktoritet knytas till dess förmåga att utesluta tendenser och begär som framstår som hotande för samhället. Mitt syfte i den här avhandlingen är, emellertid, att urskilja vad incesttabut försöker förbjuda genom att förbjuda incest och vilka villkoren är som antas rättfärdiga och fortsatt auktorisera ett sådant förbjud. För att adressera dessa problem vänder jag mig till psykoanalysen och dess genealogiska rötter i den strukturella antropologin, särskilt Sigmund Freud, Claude Lévi-Strauss och Jacques Lacans arbete.

Mitt argument är att dessa tänkares teorier om incesttabut kan läsas som en politisk teori, som en version av sagan om samhällskontrakten, och jag utforskar hur incest skapas som ett förbudsobjekt, något som måste exkluderas för att möjliggöra en sammanhållen och harmonisk politisk gemenskap, i deras tänkande. Jag utgår ifrån Judith Butlers teori om performativitet för att synliggöra hur incesttabuts auktoritet, dess funktion som en garant för den politiska gemenskapen, etableras och bekräftas genom en upprepande produktion och exkludering av incest som ett förbudsobjekt. Utifrån en queerteoretisk och psykoanalytisk tolkning av Bonnie Honigs idé om ‘restprodukten’, använder jag tre fall från Sverige för att illustrera hur olika subjekt performativt skapas som ett slags incestuösa och queera rester; figurer som verkar misslyckas med att följa de normativa villkor som fastställs genom tabuts förbud. Genom att förkroppsliga det här misslyckandet, framstår de här incestuösa resterna som kusliga och hotande för den politiska ordning som har konstituerats just genom exkluderingen av incest.

Genom att sammanfoga psykoanalytisk teori, politisk teori och queerteori i ett försök att teoretisera incest från ‘restens’ queera position, bidrar den här avhandlingen med en politisk teori av incesttabut som kritiskt ifrågasätter vad tabut lovar att möjliggöra genom att förbjuda incest.
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
  • Associate Professor Zevnik, Andreja, University of Manchester
alternative title
Det Förbjudande Villkoret : Incesttabuts Performativitet och dess Incestuösa Rester
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publication status
incest taboo, political theory, psychoanalytic theory, queer theory, political order, performativity, remainder, incest taboo, political theory, psychoanalytic theory, queer theory, political order, performativity, remainder
Lund Political Studies
212 pages
Lund University
defense location
Edens hörsal, Allhelgona kyrkogata 14, Lund
defense date
2024-05-17 10:15:00
The Prohibitive Condition: The Performativity of the Incest Taboo and its Incestuous Remainders
LU publication?
date added to LUP
2024-04-17 12:09:07
date last changed
2024-04-23 14:54:29
  abstract     = {{This dissertation explores the political nature of the incest taboo, with an analytical focus on its object of prohibition: incest. From the perspective of political philosophy, the incest taboo appears as problem of an unruly human nature that must be subjected to a foundational civilizing law. To this end, the taboo’s authority seems to derive from its ability to evict tendencies and desires that are somehow deemed too dangerous for society. Yet, the aim of this dissertation is to discern what the taboo is supposed to prohibit in prohibiting incest and what the conditions are that purportedly justify and continue to authorize such a prohibition. To address these concerns, I turn to psychoanalytic theory with its genealogical roots in structural anthropology, specifically the work of Sigmund Freud, Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jacques Lacan. <br/><br/>By arguing that these authors’ writings on the incest taboo can be read as a political theory – as a version of the social contract fable – I explore how their thinking engender incest as an object of prohibition; as something that must be excluded in order for a cohesive and harmonious political community to come into being. Drawing on Judith Butler’s theory of performativity, I argue that the authority of incest taboo, as guarantor of political community, is established and reaffirmed through the iterative production and exclusion of incest as an object of prohibition. Through a queer and psychoanalytical interpretation of Bonnie Honig’s idea of ‘the remainder’, I use three cases from Sweden to illustrate how different subjects are performatively called into being as queer incestuous remainders, as figures who seem unable to comply with the normative conditions put in place by the taboo’s prohibition. As embodiments of such failure, the incestuous remainders appear uncanny and threatening to the political order constituted precisely through the exclusion of incest. <br/><br/>Thus, by bringing psychoanalytical theory, political theory and queer theory together in an effort to theorize incest from the queer position of the remainder, this dissertation offers a political theory of the incest taboo that critically interrogates what the taboo promises to make possible by prohibiting incest.   <br/>}},
  author       = {{Karlsson, Caroline}},
  isbn         = {{978-91-8039-907-4}},
  issn         = {{0460-0031}},
  keywords     = {{incest taboo; political theory; psychoanalytic theory; queer theory; political order; performativity; remainder; incest taboo; political theory; psychoanalytic theory; queer theory; political order; performativity; remainder}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  number       = {{216}},
  publisher    = {{Lund University}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  series       = {{Lund Political Studies}},
  title        = {{The Prohibitive Condition : The Performativity of the Incest Taboo and its Incestuous Remainders}},
  url          = {{}},
  year         = {{2024}},