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Lund University Publications


Anbringelse af etniske minoritetsbørn : Om socialarbejderes vurderinger og handlinger

Skytte, Marianne LU (2002) In Lund Dissertations in Social Work
The dissertation studies how social workers ensure continuity in relation to the individual child's background when placing and working with children of ethnic minority background in care. This is studied through 44 sets of case study notes from a foster-care association and interviews with 10 foster-care consultants. These two types of data are analysed through three perspectives: a continuity perspective, a right-to-continuity perspective derived from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and an equality perspective. The study suggests that in general the social workers do not seem to have a continuity perspective that involves the child’s minority background; and the social workers’ assessments and actions are not affected by the... (More)
The dissertation studies how social workers ensure continuity in relation to the individual child's background when placing and working with children of ethnic minority background in care. This is studied through 44 sets of case study notes from a foster-care association and interviews with 10 foster-care consultants. These two types of data are analysed through three perspectives: a continuity perspective, a right-to-continuity perspective derived from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and an equality perspective. The study suggests that in general the social workers do not seem to have a continuity perspective that involves the child’s minority background; and the social workers’ assessments and actions are not affected by the child’s continuity rights according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The children with other mother tongues than Danish are in reality denied the right to speak their mother tongue and develop their language through regular contact with others speaking this language. In an equality perspective the foster care study suggests that children taken into care from ethnic minority parents are not given the opportunity to develop social and communicative skills that would put them on an even footing with their peers when it comes to contact with their families. Discussing these findings the dissertation presents a vignette study, where the main result is, that there is no systematic difference in the social workers' assessments and tendencies of actions dependent on whether the boys in the vignettes were called Ali and Osman or Erik and Jan. The discussion also draws on the results of an analysis of what data from Statistics Denmark has to say about children in care and preventative measures in relation to children and young people in 2000 for children and young people categorised in the population statistics as immigrants, descendants and ‘others’. The analysis shows that in all age groups descendants are far less frequently the subjects of care orders than children in the ‘others’ category. Also there is a strong tendency that immigrants are less frequently the subjects of care orders than ‘other’ children in the 5-14 age group. The results of the three sets of data material are discussed with reference to differences in the living conditions of the children in Denmark, differences between the social workers attitudes and their actions in social work, the uncertainty of the social workers when working with ethnic minority children and the quality of the interventions the social workers have to offer the child and its family. The dissertation further suggests that the specific results of the foster care study can be understood in a context of Danish nationality, the specific Danish welfare state regulation and the ideology of social work. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Abstract in Danish

Afhandlingens hovedproblemstillinger er: Hvilken betydning har det for danske socialarbejderes vurderinger og handlinger i børnefamiliearbejdet, at et barn og dets familie ikke er etniske danskere? Denne problemstilling undersøges gennem tre empiriske undersøgelser:

Familieplejeundersøgelsen består af en journalundersøgelse af 44 anbragte etniske minoritetsbørns journaler samt interviews med 10 af de familieplejekonsulenter, der har anbragt børnene og haft tilsynet med anbringelserne. Datamaterialet analyseres udfra tre forskellige perspektiver: et kontinuitetsperspektiv, et kontinuitetsrettighedsperspektiv (udfra Børnekonventionen) og et ligestillingsperspektiv. I analysen af... (More)
Abstract in Danish

Afhandlingens hovedproblemstillinger er: Hvilken betydning har det for danske socialarbejderes vurderinger og handlinger i børnefamiliearbejdet, at et barn og dets familie ikke er etniske danskere? Denne problemstilling undersøges gennem tre empiriske undersøgelser:

Familieplejeundersøgelsen består af en journalundersøgelse af 44 anbragte etniske minoritetsbørns journaler samt interviews med 10 af de familieplejekonsulenter, der har anbragt børnene og haft tilsynet med anbringelserne. Datamaterialet analyseres udfra tre forskellige perspektiver: et kontinuitetsperspektiv, et kontinuitetsrettighedsperspektiv (udfra Børnekonventionen) og et ligestillingsperspektiv. I analysen af datamaterialet skelnes mellem tilrettelæggelsen af anbringelserne for uledsagede flygtningebørn, døgnanbringelse af børn, der anbringes fra forældre her i landet og deltidsanbringelse (aflastnings- og rådighedsanbringelse) af børn. Analyserne af datamaterialet viser, at kontinuitet omkring børnenes etniske, religiøse, sproglige og kulturelle baggrund ikke indgår i socialarbejdernes skøn omkring valg af anbringelsessted til børn, der anbringes fra ikke dansktalende forældre her i landet. Børnenes døgnanbringelser tilrettelægges ikke sådan, at børnene under anbringelsen har mulighed for at vedligeholde og/eller udvikle sociale og kommunikative kompetencer, således at de kan vedligeholde eller senere skabe kontakt til deres biologiske forældre. De døgnanbragte børn har således under anbringelsen ikke mulighed for at udvikle kompetencer i forhold til at indgå som kompetente medlemmer af deres familier. Det, at de døgnanbragte børns kontinuitetsrettigheder ikke synes at indgå i socialarbejdernes vurderinger og handlinger, kan i et ligestillingsperspektiv have som resultat, at anbringelsespraksis ikke ligestiller disse børn med jævnaldrende, idet de anbragte børn ikke får mulighed for at opnå samme kompetencer som jævnaldrende til at færdes på egne familiers og deres netværks arenaer. Blandt de 9 uledsagede flygtningebørn, der indgår i undersøgelsen, er de 6 anbragt under forhold, hvor der kan skabes kontinuitet i forhold til børnenes etniske, sproglige, religiøse og kulturelle baggrund. Når de bortses fra disse børn, synes socialarbejderens vurderinger og handlinger at være karakteriseret ved et assimilerende syn på etniske minoritetsbørn. Børnene anbringes under forhold, hvor de alene har mulighed for at udvikle kompetencer i forhold til det majoritetsdanske samfund.

I vignetundersøgelsen har 133 socialarbejdere fra 16 forskellige kommunale børne- og familieafsnit besvaret spørgeskemaer opbygget omkring 2 vignetter én med en 4-årig dreng og én med en 12-årig dreng. Ordlyden i spørgeskemaerne er identisk, bortset fra at drengenes navne i halvdelen af vignetterne er Erik og Jan, mens de i den sidste halvdel af vignetterne er Osman og Ali. Hovedfundet i vignetundersøgelsen er, at der ikke er signifikante forskelle i de to respondentgruppers svar. Socialarbejderens vurderinger af spørgsmålet om, hvornår de vil anse en anbringelse uden for hjemmet relevant, er ikke afhængig af, om drengene i vignetterne hedder Osman og Ali eller Jan og Erik.

En analyse af foranstaltningsstatistikken for 2000. Analysen er bygget op over samkørsler af socialstatistikken omkring børn og unge med befolkningsregistreringen. På baggrund af disse særkørsler fra Danmarks Statistik finder jeg, at børn, der i befolkningsregistret er kategoriserede som efterkommere, anbringes med signifikant lavere hyppighed - nemlig halvt så hyppigt - end børn af kategorien øvrige. Der er også en tendens til, at børn i kategorien indvandrere i aldersgrupperne 5-14 år anbringes med lavere hyppighed end børn i kategorien øvrige, mens der ikke er systematiske forskelle på anbringelsesfrekvenserne for indvandrere og øvrige i aldersgruppen 0-4 år og 15-19 år. Der er signifikante forskelle på valg af anbringelsessted for indvandrere og efterkommere i forhold til øvrige. Øvrige børn og unge anbringes hovedsaglig i familiepleje, mens efterkommere og indvandrere anbringes på døgninstitution. Der er også signifikante forskelle på, hvilke andre hjælpeforanstaltninger end anbringelser indvandrere og efterkommere modtager - set i forhold til øvrige. Indvandrere og efterkommere modtager hjælpeforanstaltninger, der ikke indebærer, at de også bor udenfor forældrenes hjem (personlig rådgiver og fast kontaktperson); mens øvrige børn primært modtager hjælpeforanstaltninger, der indebærer, at de regelmæssigt kan tilbringe en del af hverdagen uden for deres forældres hjem på aflastnings-, kost- og efterskoleophold.

I afhandlingens sidste del diskuteres resultaterne af de tre undersøgelsesdele i forhold til hinanden. Og der foreslås en teoretisk forståelsesramme for, hvordan det manglende hensyn til det anbragte barns muligheder for at opleve kontinuitet omkring sit liv og den ringe inddragelse af de anbragte børns kontinuitetsrettigheder i socialarbejdernes vurderinger og handlinger kan forstås. Forståelsesrammen bygges op omkring dansk nationalitetsforståelse, velfærdsstatlig retlig regulering, socialarbejderes selvforståelse og særlige medborgerskabsopfattelse. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
  • Cederborg, Ann-Christin, Linköping
alternative title
Ethnic minority children in care : On the assessments and actions of the social workers
publishing date
publication status
national insurance, Social problems and welfare, ethnic minority children, ethnicity, child protection, foster care, child care, social work, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, equal treatment, equality, Sociala problem, social välfärd, socialförsäkring
Lund Dissertations in Social Work
300 pages
Marianne Skytte, Smidstrup Strandvej 75, DK-3250 Gilleleje, Denmark,
defense location
Kulturens Auditorium, Tegnérsplatsen, Lund, Sweden
defense date
2002-11-08 10:15:00
LU publication?
daebdf1d-fb43-4b82-8734-18d13fba8f76 (old id 20863)
date added to LUP
2016-04-01 16:43:47
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2021-11-17 11:18:03
  abstract     = {{The dissertation studies how social workers ensure continuity in relation to the individual child's background when placing and working with children of ethnic minority background in care. This is studied through 44 sets of case study notes from a foster-care association and interviews with 10 foster-care consultants. These two types of data are analysed through three perspectives: a continuity perspective, a right-to-continuity perspective derived from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and an equality perspective. The study suggests that in general the social workers do not seem to have a continuity perspective that involves the child’s minority background; and the social workers’ assessments and actions are not affected by the child’s continuity rights according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The children with other mother tongues than Danish are in reality denied the right to speak their mother tongue and develop their language through regular contact with others speaking this language. In an equality perspective the foster care study suggests that children taken into care from ethnic minority parents are not given the opportunity to develop social and communicative skills that would put them on an even footing with their peers when it comes to contact with their families. Discussing these findings the dissertation presents a vignette study, where the main result is, that there is no systematic difference in the social workers' assessments and tendencies of actions dependent on whether the boys in the vignettes were called Ali and Osman or Erik and Jan. The discussion also draws on the results of an analysis of what data from Statistics Denmark has to say about children in care and preventative measures in relation to children and young people in 2000 for children and young people categorised in the population statistics as immigrants, descendants and ‘others’. The analysis shows that in all age groups descendants are far less frequently the subjects of care orders than children in the ‘others’ category. Also there is a strong tendency that immigrants are less frequently the subjects of care orders than ‘other’ children in the 5-14 age group. The results of the three sets of data material are discussed with reference to differences in the living conditions of the children in Denmark, differences between the social workers attitudes and their actions in social work, the uncertainty of the social workers when working with ethnic minority children and the quality of the interventions the social workers have to offer the child and its family. The dissertation further suggests that the specific results of the foster care study can be understood in a context of Danish nationality, the specific Danish welfare state regulation and the ideology of social work.}},
  author       = {{Skytte, Marianne}},
  isbn         = {{91-89604-13-X}},
  issn         = {{1650-3872}},
  keywords     = {{national insurance; Social problems and welfare; ethnic minority children; ethnicity; child protection; foster care; child care; social work; the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; equal treatment; equality; Sociala problem; social välfärd; socialförsäkring}},
  language     = {{dan}},
  publisher    = {{Marianne Skytte, Smidstrup Strandvej 75, DK-3250 Gilleleje, Denmark,}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  series       = {{Lund Dissertations in Social Work}},
  title        = {{Anbringelse af etniske minoritetsbørn : Om socialarbejderes vurderinger og handlinger}},
  year         = {{2002}},