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Lund University Publications


Muslimsk skola, svenska villkor. Konflikt, identitet & förhandling

Gustafsson, Kristina LU (2004)
The study is about a conflict concerning a Muslim Independent School in Jönköping. Based on fieldwork carried out on the Muslim Independent School and one of the local authority´s comprehensive schools - which included fifteen interviews and a comprehensive collection of newspaper articles and reports - I have problemised the relationship between the different groups in the local community and who had the preferential right of intepretation with regard to school, upbringing and values. Muslim parents were regarded by the local community as being incapable of taking responsibility for their own affairs. They were described as economically weak, uneducated, socially segregated and irresponsible. This needs to be understood from the... (More)
The study is about a conflict concerning a Muslim Independent School in Jönköping. Based on fieldwork carried out on the Muslim Independent School and one of the local authority´s comprehensive schools - which included fifteen interviews and a comprehensive collection of newspaper articles and reports - I have problemised the relationship between the different groups in the local community and who had the preferential right of intepretation with regard to school, upbringing and values. Muslim parents were regarded by the local community as being incapable of taking responsibility for their own affairs. They were described as economically weak, uneducated, socially segregated and irresponsible. This needs to be understood from the perspective of traditional Swedish welfarepolicy, where the state is considered to be better able to judge what is good for a family with regard to upbringing and education. In addition to the social aspects, different notions of cultural differences led to the families being regarded as tied to tradition and underdeveloped in comparison to the modern Swedish lifestyle. This way of placing contemporary, but different values and behaviour into a time scale ranging from the past and traditional to the present and modern is captured in the study by the concept of chronopolitics. At the same time, arguing the significance of culture and origin became an effective political tool. A result of the argument about diversity was that the Muslim parents accepted a group ranking which placed them at the bottom. Similarly, the liberal vision of the comprehensive school to treat all people as equals was found to have limitations. In order to be regarded as an equal, a person must both recognise and act in accordance with the belief of a liberated self. By using a number of concrete examples, the study shows that it isn´t possible to liberate yourself from knowledge and notions about different people. An analysis of how different people judge and negotiate a particular conflict of values based on their own terms is politically relevant, because every conflict is unique and leads to the awareness that there are many different perspectives as to how public life could be organised. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Studien handlar om en konflikt kring en muslimsk friskola i Jönköping. Utifrån fältarbete på den muslimska friskolan och en ordinarie grundskola i kommunen, femton intervjuer och ett omfattande tidningsmaterial har jag problematiserat relationen mellan olika grupper i samhället och vem som har tolkningsföreträde i frågor om skola, fostran och värderingar. De muslimska föräldrarna underkändes av sin omgivning som inte fullvärdiga personer med förmåga att göra självständiga val. De beskrevs som ekonomiskt svaga, outbildade, socialt segregerade och uppfattades som oansvariga. Detta synsätt ska förstås utifrån en lång tradition inom svensk välfärdspolitik där staten anses ha bättre förutsättningar... (More)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Studien handlar om en konflikt kring en muslimsk friskola i Jönköping. Utifrån fältarbete på den muslimska friskolan och en ordinarie grundskola i kommunen, femton intervjuer och ett omfattande tidningsmaterial har jag problematiserat relationen mellan olika grupper i samhället och vem som har tolkningsföreträde i frågor om skola, fostran och värderingar. De muslimska föräldrarna underkändes av sin omgivning som inte fullvärdiga personer med förmåga att göra självständiga val. De beskrevs som ekonomiskt svaga, outbildade, socialt segregerade och uppfattades som oansvariga. Detta synsätt ska förstås utifrån en lång tradition inom svensk välfärdspolitik där staten anses ha bättre förutsättningar att bedöma vad som är bra för en familj beträffande fostran och utbildning. Förutom sociala aspekter fanns också föreställningar om kulturella skillnader. De ledde till att familjerna betraktades som traditionsbundna och underutvecklade i förhållande till den svenska moderna livsstilen. Detta sätt att placera in samtida men olika värderingar och beteenden på en tidsskala från det förgågna, traditionella till det nutida, moderna fångas i studien genom begreppet kronopolitik. Att hävda betydelsen av kultur och ursprung visade sig samtidigt vara ett effektivt politiskt redskap. En konsekvens av särartsargumentet var att de muslimska föräldrarna bekräftade en rangordning mellan grupper där de själva befann sig längst ned. Att såsom den ordinarie grundskolan hävda den liberala visionen om att behandla alla männsikor som lika värda hade också sina begränsningar. För att betraktas som lika värd måste en peson vara och agera i enlighet med tron på oförhindarde jag. Studien visar utifrån en rad konkreta exempel att det inte går att frigöra sig från kunskap och föreställningar om olika människor. Analys av hur olika personer utifrån sina villkor bedömer och förhandlar i enskilda värdekonflikter är politiskt relevant eftersom varje konflikt är unik. Det leder till en medvetenhet om att det finns många olika perspektiv på hur det offentliga livet kan organiseras. (Less)
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  • Ph D Runfors, Ann, University of Stockholm, Department of Ethnology
publishing date
publication status
conflict of values, ethics of honour, ethics of justice, hegemony, immigrant, Jönköping, Liberalism, Muslim Independent School, politics of diversity, Swedish education, politics of recognition, etnologi, Kulturantropologi, ethnology, Cultural anthropology, culture
242 pages
Boréa Bokförlag
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Geocentrums hörsal
defense date
2004-11-26 10:15:00
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e9f921ac-6574-4ee1-aca7-f553be48c4e7 (old id 21854)
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2016-04-04 11:13:17
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2018-11-21 21:03:27
  abstract     = {{The study is about a conflict concerning a Muslim Independent School in Jönköping. Based on fieldwork carried out on the Muslim Independent School and one of the local authority´s comprehensive schools - which included fifteen interviews and a comprehensive collection of newspaper articles and reports - I have problemised the relationship between the different groups in the local community and who had the preferential right of intepretation with regard to school, upbringing and values. Muslim parents were regarded by the local community as being incapable of taking responsibility for their own affairs. They were described as economically weak, uneducated, socially segregated and irresponsible. This needs to be understood from the perspective of traditional Swedish welfarepolicy, where the state is considered to be better able to judge what is good for a family with regard to upbringing and education. In addition to the social aspects, different notions of cultural differences led to the families being regarded as tied to tradition and underdeveloped in comparison to the modern Swedish lifestyle. This way of placing contemporary, but different values and behaviour into a time scale ranging from the past and traditional to the present and modern is captured in the study by the concept of chronopolitics. At the same time, arguing the significance of culture and origin became an effective political tool. A result of the argument about diversity was that the Muslim parents accepted a group ranking which placed them at the bottom. Similarly, the liberal vision of the comprehensive school to treat all people as equals was found to have limitations. In order to be regarded as an equal, a person must both recognise and act in accordance with the belief of a liberated self. By using a number of concrete examples, the study shows that it isn´t possible to liberate yourself from knowledge and notions about different people. An analysis of how different people judge and negotiate a particular conflict of values based on their own terms is politically relevant, because every conflict is unique and leads to the awareness that there are many different perspectives as to how public life could be organised.}},
  author       = {{Gustafsson, Kristina}},
  isbn         = {{91-89140-32-x}},
  keywords     = {{conflict of values; ethics of honour; ethics of justice; hegemony; immigrant; Jönköping; Liberalism; Muslim Independent School; politics of diversity; Swedish education; politics of recognition; etnologi; Kulturantropologi; ethnology; Cultural anthropology; culture}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  publisher    = {{Boréa Bokförlag}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  title        = {{Muslimsk skola, svenska villkor. Konflikt, identitet & förhandling}},
  year         = {{2004}},