De didaktiska aspekterna av Våga! - Elevers perspektiv på musik- och sex- och samlevnadskonceptet The Erotica Project - Våga!
(2014) LMMN91 20132Malmö Academy of Music
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka vad elever säger om de didaktiska aspekterna av Våga!. Våga! är ett utbildningskoncept där musikundervisning och sex- och samlevnadsundervisning möts. Konceptet består av tre delar; en humoristisk, pedagogisk musikföreställning om sex och samlevnad, ett samtal kring föreställningen och ett efterarbetesmaterial.
Uppsatsen utgår från Arfwedsson och Arfwedssons (1991) definition av didaktik. Det har fått till följd att informanternas utsagor har analyserats utifrån fyra didaktiska grundfrågor. Dessa är: vad?, hur?, varför? och för vem?.
Resultatet har utvunnits genom en fokusgruppintervju med fem 15-åriga elever. Informanternas utsagor går både i linje med och motsäger det tidigare forskning visat om... (More) - Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka vad elever säger om de didaktiska aspekterna av Våga!. Våga! är ett utbildningskoncept där musikundervisning och sex- och samlevnadsundervisning möts. Konceptet består av tre delar; en humoristisk, pedagogisk musikföreställning om sex och samlevnad, ett samtal kring föreställningen och ett efterarbetesmaterial.
Uppsatsen utgår från Arfwedsson och Arfwedssons (1991) definition av didaktik. Det har fått till följd att informanternas utsagor har analyserats utifrån fyra didaktiska grundfrågor. Dessa är: vad?, hur?, varför? och för vem?.
Resultatet har utvunnits genom en fokusgruppintervju med fem 15-åriga elever. Informanternas utsagor går både i linje med och motsäger det tidigare forskning visat om utbildningsinsatser i sex och samlevnad och ungdomars syn på undervisning i området. Informanterna framhöll bland annat humorn i föreställningen som en mycket positiv och annorlunda aspekt mot vad de är vana vid i sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. Konceptets namn och de budskap som informanterna sade sig uppfatta medförde dessutom att eleverna sade sig våga prata mer i klassrummet
Resultatet pekar på att det finns en stor lust hos informanterna att tala om sex- och samlevnad ur ett övergripande perspektiv där formerna och förutsättningarna för undervisningen diskuteras. Genom att delta i en fokusgruppintervju om de didaktiska aspekterna av Våga! fick informanterna ge uttryck för tankar om sex och samlevnad på ett fritt men strukturerat vis, utan att det blev privat.
För konceptet Våga! innebär denna uppsats starten för en ny utvecklingsperiod, där upphovspersonerna kommer att bearbeta konceptet ytterligare med hjälp av slutsatserna som dragits i uppsatsen. (Less) - Abstract
- This essay examines what pupils say about the didactical aspects of Våga! (The Swedish word ”didaktik” is to a large extent equivalent to ”curriculum research”. However, in the lack of an exact translation, the word ”didactics” is used in this abstract, knowing that that word has different connotations in English than in Swedish.) Våga! is an educational concept, in which music education and sexual education converge. The concept consists of three parts: a humorous music show on sexual education, a discussion about the show and a work material.
The essay uses Arfwedsson and Arfwedsson's (1991) definition of didactics. Statements of the informers have been analysed using four basic didactical questions. These are: what?, how?, why? and... (More) - This essay examines what pupils say about the didactical aspects of Våga! (The Swedish word ”didaktik” is to a large extent equivalent to ”curriculum research”. However, in the lack of an exact translation, the word ”didactics” is used in this abstract, knowing that that word has different connotations in English than in Swedish.) Våga! is an educational concept, in which music education and sexual education converge. The concept consists of three parts: a humorous music show on sexual education, a discussion about the show and a work material.
The essay uses Arfwedsson and Arfwedsson's (1991) definition of didactics. Statements of the informers have been analysed using four basic didactical questions. These are: what?, how?, why? and for whom?.
The results have been extracted from a focus group interview with five fifteen-year-old pupils. The results both diverge and converge with what earlier studies in the field have shown. The pupils claimed, for example, that the humorous element of the show had a positive effect and was different to what they were used to, when it comes to sexual education. This element of humour, in addition to the name of the concept (Sw. våga – En. to dare), gave, according to the pupils, effects such as them saying that they dared to express themselves more freely verbally, than they usually do.
The pupils got to express their thoughts on sexual education in a free, yet structured way, through their participation in the focus group interview. The results show that the pupils display a desire to talk about sexual education from a didactical perspective. As they discussed the didactical aspects of Våga!, they got to talk about sex and sexual education without there being a focus on their private experiences.
This essay will also be the starting point of a further development of the concept. The concept founders of Våga! will be able to use the conclusions made in this essay in order to improve it. (Less)
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- author
- Carlsson, Carl-Erik LU
- supervisor
- Camilla Löf LU
- organization
- course
- LMMN91 20132
- year
- 2014
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Social science, elevers perspektiv, humor, didaktik, musik, sex och samlevnad, Musikpedagogik, Utbildningsvetenskap, Music Education, music, sexual education, didactics, curriculum research, humour, student's perspective
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 4286388
- date added to LUP
- 2014-02-11 10:05:22
- date last changed
- 2014-02-11 10:05:22
@misc{4286388, abstract = {{This essay examines what pupils say about the didactical aspects of Våga! (The Swedish word ”didaktik” is to a large extent equivalent to ”curriculum research”. However, in the lack of an exact translation, the word ”didactics” is used in this abstract, knowing that that word has different connotations in English than in Swedish.) Våga! is an educational concept, in which music education and sexual education converge. The concept consists of three parts: a humorous music show on sexual education, a discussion about the show and a work material. The essay uses Arfwedsson and Arfwedsson's (1991) definition of didactics. Statements of the informers have been analysed using four basic didactical questions. These are: what?, how?, why? and for whom?. The results have been extracted from a focus group interview with five fifteen-year-old pupils. The results both diverge and converge with what earlier studies in the field have shown. The pupils claimed, for example, that the humorous element of the show had a positive effect and was different to what they were used to, when it comes to sexual education. This element of humour, in addition to the name of the concept (Sw. våga – En. to dare), gave, according to the pupils, effects such as them saying that they dared to express themselves more freely verbally, than they usually do. The pupils got to express their thoughts on sexual education in a free, yet structured way, through their participation in the focus group interview. The results show that the pupils display a desire to talk about sexual education from a didactical perspective. As they discussed the didactical aspects of Våga!, they got to talk about sex and sexual education without there being a focus on their private experiences. This essay will also be the starting point of a further development of the concept. The concept founders of Våga! will be able to use the conclusions made in this essay in order to improve it.}}, author = {{Carlsson, Carl-Erik}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{De didaktiska aspekterna av Våga! - Elevers perspektiv på musik- och sex- och samlevnadskonceptet The Erotica Project - Våga!}}, year = {{2014}}, }