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Gynnas konkurrerande jordbrukare av samarbete?

Niilekselä, Lovisa LU ; Sundström, Ida LU ; Traung, Ellen LU and Larsson, Denis LU (2020) FEKH19 20192
Department of Business Administration
Title: Do competing farmers benefit from cooperation?
Seminar date: 2020-01-17
Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Strategic
Management Undergraduate Level.
Authors: Denis Larsson, Lovisa Niilekselä, Ida Sundström and Ellen Traung
Advisor: Magnus Johansson.
Keywords: Cooperation, Competition, Agriculture, members, Co-opetition and cooperatives.
Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine whether cooperation between competing players in the agricultural sector can result in cost benefits and competitiveness. This thesis intends to examine how the cooperatives in the agriculture sector operate, as well as advantages and disadvantages with the cooperation. Furthermore, to propose future... (More)
Title: Do competing farmers benefit from cooperation?
Seminar date: 2020-01-17
Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Strategic
Management Undergraduate Level.
Authors: Denis Larsson, Lovisa Niilekselä, Ida Sundström and Ellen Traung
Advisor: Magnus Johansson.
Keywords: Cooperation, Competition, Agriculture, members, Co-opetition and cooperatives.
Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine whether cooperation between competing players in the agricultural sector can result in cost benefits and competitiveness. This thesis intends to examine how the cooperatives in the agriculture sector operate, as well as advantages and disadvantages with the cooperation. Furthermore, to propose future possibilities for improvement.
Methodology: A qualitative single case study including seven interviews was conducted using an abductive approach. The abductive approach starts by using a deductive method where inductive elements are continuously added as the authors obtain new theoretical insights from earlier studies supplementing the empirical foundations.
Theoretical perspective: The theoretical framework used in this thesis is Co-opetition. The concept of Co-opetition explains that competitors working together can benefit both as individual companies but also that the industry itself can benefit from their cooperation. The introduction of the theory section defines the concept Co-opetition and later on presents previous studies of Co-opetition in the agricultural sector.
Empirical foundation: This single case study examines Äppelriket Österlen and its members. Äppelriket Österlen is an economic association which consists of 94 competing members who together cooperate in the Swedish apple industry. The membership enables economic and practical benefits, as well as some drawbacks for the members, which in turn affects the Swedish apple industry as a whole.
Conclusions: The study demonstrates that companies in the agricultural sector can obtain cost benefits, knowledge sharing, as well as higher prices, through cooperation with other companies in the same industry. The relationship between the producers has proved to be a cooperative-dominated relationship but an intermediary, in this case an advisor, is needed for better communication between the cultivators and between the cultivators and Äppelriket Österlen. The intermediary might help to prevent conflicts as well as to reduce opportunistic behaviors. (Less)
Popular Abstract (Swedish)
Titel: Gynnas konkurrerande jordbrukare av samarbete?
Datum för slutseminarium: 2020-01-17
Kurs: FEKH19, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå̊.
Författare: Denis Larsson, Lovisa Niilekselä, Ida Sundström och Ellen Traung.
Handledare: Magnus Johansson.
Nyckelord: Samarbete, konkurrens, jordbruk, medlemmar, Co-opetition och kooperativ.
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida samarbete mellan de konkurrerande aktörerna inom jordbruksbranschen kan leda till kostnadsfördelar och konkurrenskraft. Denna studie utreder hur samarbetet mellan konkurrerande företag i en del av denna bransch, fungerar, vilka för- och nackdelar som finns med samarbetet samt redogör för eventuella... (More)
Titel: Gynnas konkurrerande jordbrukare av samarbete?
Datum för slutseminarium: 2020-01-17
Kurs: FEKH19, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå̊.
Författare: Denis Larsson, Lovisa Niilekselä, Ida Sundström och Ellen Traung.
Handledare: Magnus Johansson.
Nyckelord: Samarbete, konkurrens, jordbruk, medlemmar, Co-opetition och kooperativ.
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida samarbete mellan de konkurrerande aktörerna inom jordbruksbranschen kan leda till kostnadsfördelar och konkurrenskraft. Denna studie utreder hur samarbetet mellan konkurrerande företag i en del av denna bransch, fungerar, vilka för- och nackdelar som finns med samarbetet samt redogör för eventuella framtida förbättringsåtgärder.
Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ enfallsstudie där sju intervjuer genomfördes. Metoden utgår från en abduktiv ansats där först en deduktiv metod tillämpas men där induktiva inslag tillkommer löpande då författarna inhämtar information från flera tidigare studier och teorier för att komplettera insamlad empiri.
Teoretiskt perspektiv: Co-opetition ligger till grund för uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk. Co-opetition innebär att konkurrenter som samarbetar kan gynnas som enskilda aktörer men att också branschen i stort kan gynnas av att aktörerna samarbetar. Teoriavsnittet inleds genom att begreppet Co-opetition definieras, och tar sedan upp studier inom jordbruksbranschen där begreppet har applicerats.
Empiri: Enfallstudien studerar Äppelriket Österlen och dess medlemmar. Äppelriket Österlen är en ekonomisk förening som består av 94 konkurrerande medlemmar som tillsammans samarbetar inom den svenska äppelbranschen. Odlarnas medlemskap möjliggör ekonomiska och praktiska fördelar, respektive nackdelar för medlemsodlarna och i sin tur den svenska äppelbranschen.
Resultat: Studien visar att företag inom jordbruksbranschen kan uppnå kostnadsfördelar, ökad kunskap och förbättrad marknadsposition genom samarbete med andra odlare i branschen. Förhållandet mellan medlemsodlarna inom Äppelriket Österlen har visat sig vara samarbets- dominerande. Samarbetet kan förbättras genom en mellanhand, i detta fall en rådgivare, mellan odlarna samt odlarna och Äppelriket Österlen. Denna aktör hade kunnat förbättra kommunikation och kunskapsspridande samt kunnat identifiera problem i samarbetet i syfte att motverka eventuella konflikter och opportunistiskt beteende. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Niilekselä, Lovisa LU ; Sundström, Ida LU ; Traung, Ellen LU and Larsson, Denis LU
alternative title
Do competing farmers benefit from cooperation?
FEKH19 20192
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Cooperation, Competition, Agriculture, members, Co-opetition and cooperatives.
date added to LUP
2020-03-03 11:54:03
date last changed
2020-03-03 11:54:03
  abstract     = {{ABSTRACT
Title: Do competing farmers benefit from cooperation?
Seminar date: 2020-01-17
Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Strategic
Management Undergraduate Level.
Authors: Denis Larsson, Lovisa Niilekselä, Ida Sundström and Ellen Traung
Advisor: Magnus Johansson.
Keywords: Cooperation, Competition, Agriculture, members, Co-opetition and cooperatives.
Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine whether cooperation between competing players in the agricultural sector can result in cost benefits and competitiveness. This thesis intends to examine how the cooperatives in the agriculture sector operate, as well as advantages and disadvantages with the cooperation. Furthermore, to propose future possibilities for improvement.
Methodology: A qualitative single case study including seven interviews was conducted using an abductive approach. The abductive approach starts by using a deductive method where inductive elements are continuously added as the authors obtain new theoretical insights from earlier studies supplementing the empirical foundations.
Theoretical perspective: The theoretical framework used in this thesis is Co-opetition. The concept of Co-opetition explains that competitors working together can benefit both as individual companies but also that the industry itself can benefit from their cooperation. The introduction of the theory section defines the concept Co-opetition and later on presents previous studies of Co-opetition in the agricultural sector.
Empirical foundation: This single case study examines Äppelriket Österlen and its members. Äppelriket Österlen is an economic association which consists of 94 competing members who together cooperate in the Swedish apple industry. The membership enables economic and practical benefits, as well as some drawbacks for the members, which in turn affects the Swedish apple industry as a whole.
Conclusions: The study demonstrates that companies in the agricultural sector can obtain cost benefits, knowledge sharing, as well as higher prices, through cooperation with other companies in the same industry. The relationship between the producers has proved to be a cooperative-dominated relationship but an intermediary, in this case an advisor, is needed for better communication between the cultivators and between the cultivators and Äppelriket Österlen. The intermediary might help to prevent conflicts as well as to reduce opportunistic behaviors.}},
  author       = {{Niilekselä, Lovisa and Sundström, Ida and Traung, Ellen and Larsson, Denis}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Gynnas konkurrerande jordbrukare av samarbete?}},
  year         = {{2020}},