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Relationsmarknadsföringens paradox

Andrén, Erik LU ; Brax, Ella LU and Larsson, Johan LU (2021) FEKH29 20211
Department of Business Administration
Abstract (Swedish)
Examensarbetets titel: “Relationsmarknadsföringens paradox”. En tolkande fenomenologisk analys av hur cancel culture förstås ur ett relationsmarkandsföringsperspektiv.
Seminariedatum: 3/6 2021
Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå.
Författare: Erik Andrén, Ella Brax och Johan Larsson
Handledare: Oskar Christensson
Nyckelord: Relationsmarknadsföring, Cancel culture, Antropomorfisering, Konsumentvarumärkesrelationer, Generation Z.
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med en djupare förståelse för och ny kunskap kring relationsmarknadsföring, genom att belysa och förstå de mänskliga reaktionerna bakom det aktuella fenomenet cancel culture och hur det påverkar konsumentens... (More)
Examensarbetets titel: “Relationsmarknadsföringens paradox”. En tolkande fenomenologisk analys av hur cancel culture förstås ur ett relationsmarkandsföringsperspektiv.
Seminariedatum: 3/6 2021
Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå.
Författare: Erik Andrén, Ella Brax och Johan Larsson
Handledare: Oskar Christensson
Nyckelord: Relationsmarknadsföring, Cancel culture, Antropomorfisering, Konsumentvarumärkesrelationer, Generation Z.
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med en djupare förståelse för och ny kunskap kring relationsmarknadsföring, genom att belysa och förstå de mänskliga reaktionerna bakom det aktuella fenomenet cancel culture och hur det påverkar konsumentens relation till varumärket.
Metod: Studiens kvalitativa forskningsansats tar utgångspunkt i Tolkande fenomenologisk analys (IPA) som syftar att detaljerat utforska hur människor uppfattar situationer utifrån personliga tankar och känslor. För att skapa en förståelse för individers känslor och reaktioner vid en cancel culture-händelse har fokusgrupper valts som datainsamlingsmetod. Studien har genomförts med ett ändamålsstyrt urval.
Teoretiska perspektiv: Studiens teoretiska underlag består av BRQ-modellen (Fournier, 1998) och psykologiska kontraktsbrott (Parzefall & Hakanen, 2010).
Empiri: Studiens empiriavsnitt består av primärdata från fem fokusgrupper med tre deltagare i vardera grupp. Respondenterna består av en homogen grupp individer från generation Z med liknande ålder, bakgrund och sysselsättning.
Resultat: Studien har funnit att relationsmarknadsföring verkar som en betydande faktor i relationen mellan företag och konsument, och att graden av antropomorfism i relationen avgör reaktionen vid en cancel culture-händelse. Efter avslutad studie har flera slutsatser dragits utifrån empirins gemensamma teman. Bland de viktigaste är att relationsmarknadsföring till skillnad från tidigare forskning, inte bör ses som något ensidigt positivt utan tycks vara en paradox. Konsument-varumärkesrelationer kan skapa resistens mot negativ varumärkesinformation som en cancel culture-händelse innebär. Likväl gör den ökade graden av antropomorfisering i konsument-varumärkesrelationen dock även relationen betydligt mer komplex och svår att prognostisera när en händelse av cancel culture-karaktär ruckar på lugnet. (Less)
Title: “The Paradox of Relationship Marketing” An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of how cancel culture is understood from a relationship marketing perspective.
Seminar date: 3/6 2021
Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Marketing.
Authors: Erik Andrén, Ella Brax and Johan Larsson
Advisor: Oskar Christensson
Key words: Relationship marketing, Cancel culture, Anthropomorphism, Consumer-brand relationships, Generation Z.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute with a deeper understanding of and new knowledge to relationship marketing, by creating an understanding for the human reactions behind the current phenomenon cancel culture and how... (More)
Title: “The Paradox of Relationship Marketing” An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of how cancel culture is understood from a relationship marketing perspective.
Seminar date: 3/6 2021
Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Marketing.
Authors: Erik Andrén, Ella Brax and Johan Larsson
Advisor: Oskar Christensson
Key words: Relationship marketing, Cancel culture, Anthropomorphism, Consumer-brand relationships, Generation Z.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute with a deeper understanding of and new knowledge to relationship marketing, by creating an understanding for the human reactions behind the current phenomenon cancel culture and how it affects consumers´ relationship with brands.
Methodology: The study’s qualitative research approach is based on an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), which aims to explore in detail how individuals perceive situations based on their personal thoughts and feelings. To create an understanding for consumers' feelings and reactions to a cancel culture event, focus groups have been chosen as the method of data collection. The study was conducted with a purpose-driven sample.
Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical basis of the study consists of the BRQ model (Fournier, 1998) and psychological contract breach (Parzefall & Hakanen, 2010).
Empirical foundation: The empirical section of the study consists of primary data from five focus groups with three participants in each group. The respondents consist of a homogeneous group within generation Z with similar age, background and profession.
Conclusions: The study found that relationship marketing seems to be a significant factor in the relationship between business and consumer, and that the degree of anthropomorphism in the relationship determines the reaction in a cancel culture event. After completing the study, several conclusions have been drawn based on the empirical common themes. Among the most important is that relationship marketing, unlike previous research, should not be seen as something one-sidedly positive but seems to be a paradox. Consumer-brand relationships can create resistance to negative brand information which a cancel culture event entails. Nevertheless, the increased degree of anthropomorphism in the consumerbrand relationship also makes the relationship substantially more complex and difficult to predict when an event of cancel culture disturbs the peace. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Andrén, Erik LU ; Brax, Ella LU and Larsson, Johan LU
alternative title
En tolkande fenomenologisk analys av hur cancel culture förstås ur ett relationsmarknadsföringsperspektiv
FEKH29 20211
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Relationsmarknadsföring, Cancel culture, Antropomorfisering, Konsumentvarumärkesrelationer, Generation Z, Relationship marketing, Anthropomorphism, Consumer-brand relationships
date added to LUP
2021-07-01 15:01:46
date last changed
2021-07-01 15:01:46
  abstract     = {{Title: “The Paradox of Relationship Marketing” An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of how cancel culture is understood from a relationship marketing perspective. 
Seminar date: 3/6 2021 
Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Marketing. 
Authors: Erik Andrén, Ella Brax and Johan Larsson 
Advisor: Oskar Christensson 
Key words: Relationship marketing, Cancel culture, Anthropomorphism, Consumer-brand relationships, Generation Z. 
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute with a deeper understanding of and new knowledge to relationship marketing, by creating an understanding for the human reactions behind the current phenomenon cancel culture and how it affects consumers´ relationship with brands. 
Methodology: The study’s qualitative research approach is based on an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), which aims to explore in detail how individuals perceive situations based on their personal thoughts and feelings. To create an understanding for consumers' feelings and reactions to a cancel culture event, focus groups have been chosen as the method of data collection. The study was conducted with a purpose-driven sample. 
Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical basis of the study consists of the BRQ model (Fournier, 1998) and psychological contract breach (Parzefall & Hakanen, 2010). 
Empirical foundation: The empirical section of the study consists of primary data from five focus groups with three participants in each group. The respondents consist of a homogeneous group within generation Z with similar age, background and profession. 
Conclusions: The study found that relationship marketing seems to be a significant factor in the relationship between business and consumer, and that the degree of anthropomorphism in the relationship determines the reaction in a cancel culture event. After completing the study, several conclusions have been drawn based on the empirical common themes. Among the most important is that relationship marketing, unlike previous research, should not be seen as something one-sidedly positive but seems to be a paradox. Consumer-brand relationships can create resistance to negative brand information which a cancel culture event entails. Nevertheless, the increased degree of anthropomorphism in the consumerbrand relationship also makes the relationship substantially more complex and difficult to predict when an event of cancel culture disturbs the peace.}},
  author       = {{Andrén, Erik and Brax, Ella and Larsson, Johan}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Relationsmarknadsföringens paradox}},
  year         = {{2021}},