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Analysis of market and requirements of plasticizers for flexible PVC - With a focus on Perstorp’s non-phthalate plasticizer Pevalen

Bywall, Lisa LU and Cederlund, Sofie LU (2020) KETM05 20201
Chemical Engineering (M.Sc.Eng.)
Flexible Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a plastic material commonly used in today’s society and a fundamental material for a lot of sectors. It has advantages over other polymers such as energy-efficient production, flame retardancy, durability and cost-effective. The one important component in flexible PVC that gives it is flexible properties is the plasticizer. The most common plasticizers used are ortho-phthalates. Concerns about some ortho-phthalates toxicity to humans and other living organism has induced a movement away from using ortho-phthalates as a plasticizer.
The chemical company Perstorp AB has developed a non-phthalate plasticizer called Pevalen, which is a general-purpose plasticizer intended for close-to-human applications of... (More)
Flexible Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a plastic material commonly used in today’s society and a fundamental material for a lot of sectors. It has advantages over other polymers such as energy-efficient production, flame retardancy, durability and cost-effective. The one important component in flexible PVC that gives it is flexible properties is the plasticizer. The most common plasticizers used are ortho-phthalates. Concerns about some ortho-phthalates toxicity to humans and other living organism has induced a movement away from using ortho-phthalates as a plasticizer.
The chemical company Perstorp AB has developed a non-phthalate plasticizer called Pevalen, which is a general-purpose plasticizer intended for close-to-human applications of flexible PVC. Pevalen has shown to have favorable qualities both for processing and in the final application and has a low toxicity profile.
This thesis work includes the status of the plasticizer market, regional differences between Eu-rope, USA and China and market requirements for the following of close to human flexible PVC applications; coated fabrics, flooring, wall covering, pool liner and food contact material. These requirements have then been compared to internal work and knowledge at Perstorp regarding Pevalen. To find opportunities for the plasticizer to be successful in each segment and identify possible needs to further complement with strengthening technical information and data.
The market analysis showed that the plasticizer market is very price driven and constantly looking for ways to reduce costs. The most used plasticizers are still the ortho-phthalates due to low production cost and high availability. There is a movement away from using ortho-phthalates with DOTP being the most used non-phthalate plasticizer. Use of DOTP is increasing rapidly on the market and considered the main competitor to Pevalen among the non-phthalates.
Europe is at the forefront of moving away from phthalates and are increasingly interested in the environmental impact and the toxicity of plasticizers. The USA focuses on non-phthalates but is not are so much concerned about sustainable and environmentally friendly products. China is still mainly using ortho-phthalates, but DOTP is increasing. Production speed is one of the most important things here since the market is very competitive, so they are willing to try new plasticizers that can increase productivity.
For a new plasticizer to compete on the market, it has been found crucial that either the product reduces cost by performing better during the process, that the plasticizer is more efficient, or thirdly that the plasticizer has valuable properties that reduce the need for expensive additives or specialty plasticizers.
The analyze of the application segments showed that flooring and wall coverings have similar key requirements; low VOC, abrasion resistance, dimensional stability, chemical resistance, fire retardancy and low smoke generation. Their application market is hard to enter due to it being very price concerned as well as having high production rates. For food contact materials, the following key requirements have been found important: high flexibility, cleanability, abrasion resistance, migration resistance and chemical resistance. This market is very regulated with stringent requirements. Coated fabrics are considered a promising industry for Pevalen since it gives the material a very soft touch, has low toxicity, low VOC, and good UV-stability which are all factors of high importance in this field. The positive aspects of Pevalen positive aspects are highly valuable in this industry.
Perstorp has done quite an extensive research and laboratory work. However, there are a few gaps, such as abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, and dimensional stability linked to the selected applications that can complement this data. It is also important to always compare with relevant benchmark plasticizers when performing a test. Overall, Pevalen has shown good results in the properties that are important for the researched segments but needs to push more on the cost reducing properties. (Less)
Popular Abstract (Swedish)
Världen är i ständig miljö- och hälsofrämjande utveckling, där ny forskning och upptäckter hela tiden driver marknadskrav och bidrar till restriktioner. Plastindustrin har länge varit under luppen, till stor del för fossila råvaror och nedskräpning, men även då vissa plastmaterial innehåller ifrågasatta tillsatser.
Flexibel Polyvinylklorid (PVC) är en typ av plast som används mycket i dagens samhälle på grund av att det är ett material som håller länge och kan användas till många olika typer av applikationer, allt från hårda PVC rör till flexibelt konstläder. En mjukgörare tillsätts för att PVC ska få sina flexibla egenskaper, där ftalater länge varit de dominerade mjukgörarna på marknaden. De senaste årtiondena har oro för ftalaters... (More)
Världen är i ständig miljö- och hälsofrämjande utveckling, där ny forskning och upptäckter hela tiden driver marknadskrav och bidrar till restriktioner. Plastindustrin har länge varit under luppen, till stor del för fossila råvaror och nedskräpning, men även då vissa plastmaterial innehåller ifrågasatta tillsatser.
Flexibel Polyvinylklorid (PVC) är en typ av plast som används mycket i dagens samhälle på grund av att det är ett material som håller länge och kan användas till många olika typer av applikationer, allt från hårda PVC rör till flexibelt konstläder. En mjukgörare tillsätts för att PVC ska få sina flexibla egenskaper, där ftalater länge varit de dominerade mjukgörarna på marknaden. De senaste årtiondena har oro för ftalaters toxicitet för människor och andra levande organismer gjort att man succesivt börjat gå ifrån att använda ftalater som mjukgörare och istället hitta andra icke-ftalater som kan ersätta dessa med likvärdiga resultat.
Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att analysera mjukgörarmarknaden och finna de svårigheter och möjligheter som finns för en icke-ftalat att kunna konkurrera. Detta har gjorts med fokus på ett fåtal slutapplikationer ämnande för nära kontakt med människor, där det sätts höga krav på toxicitet och slitstyrka. Regionsskillnader mellan Europa, USA och Kina har även studerats. Detta examensarbete omfattar marknadens nuvarande status och marknadskrav för följande flexibla PVC-tillämpningar; bestruket tyg, golvbeklädnad, väggbeklädnad, pooldukar och material i kontakt med livsmedel.
Kemiföretaget Perstorp AB har utvecklat en icke-ftalatmjukgörare under produktnamnet Pevalen, som är en mjukgörare avsedd för applikationer av flexibel PVC som kommer i nära kontakt med människor. Marknadens krav har sedan jämförts med internt arbete och kunskap på Perstorp, gällande Pevalen. Målet har sedan varit att hitta möjligheter för mjukgöraren att lyckas i varje segment och identifiera möjliga behov för att ytterligare komplettera med teknisk information och data.
Marknadsanalysen visade att mjukgörarmarknaden är mycket prisdriven och ständigt söker möjligheter att minska kostnaderna. De mest använda mjukgörarna är fortfarande ftalater, mycket på grund av låg produktionskostnad och hög tillgänglighet. Det finns drivkraft att gå ifrån användandet av ftalater och använda icke-ftalater istället. Dioktyltereftalat är den mest använda icke-ftalat mjukgöraren och anses vara den främsta konkurrenten till Pevalen bland icke-ftalater.
Både USA och Europa driver ett aktivt arbete för att använda icke-ftalater, Europa är också alltmer intresserade av biobaserade och miljövänliga mjukgörare. Kina däremot använder fortfarande huvudsakligen ftalater även om det har börjat röra sig mot icke-ftalater, men marknaden är villiga att prova nya mjukgörare som kan öka produktiviteten. Analysen av applikationssegmenten visade att liknande nyckelkrav var väldigt fördelaktiga inom de flesta områden: lågt utsläpp av VOC, slitstyrka, dimensionsstabilitet, kemikalieresistens, brandhämmande egenskaper och låg rökutveckling.
För att en mjukgörare ska kunna konkurrera på marknaden, har det visat sig avgörande att antingen produkten minskar kostnaderna genom att antingen göra så tillverkningsprocessen går snabbare eller kräver mindre energi, eller att mjukgöraren är effektivare och att därmed en mindre mängd krävs, eller slutligen, att mjukgöraren har värdefulla egenskaper som minskar behovet av dyra tillsatser eller special-mjukgörare.
Perstorp har gjort ett ganska omfattande forsknings- och laborationsarbete om Pevalen. Pevalens positiva egenskaper är mycket värdefulla i denna bransch och det finns god möjlighet att konkurrera med hjälp av dessa. Det finns några luckor men sammantaget har Pevalen visat goda resultat i de egenskaper som visats vara viktiga för de undersökta segmenten, men man behöver marknadsföra de kostnadsreducerande egenskaperna mera. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Bywall, Lisa LU and Cederlund, Sofie LU
KETM05 20201
H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
PVC, plasticizer, plasticiser, industry, flexible PVC, polyvinylchloride, vinyl, flooring, chemical engineering, kemiteknik
date added to LUP
2020-11-09 10:54:35
date last changed
2020-11-09 10:54:35
  abstract     = {{Flexible Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a plastic material commonly used in today’s society and a fundamental material for a lot of sectors. It has advantages over other polymers such as energy-efficient production, flame retardancy, durability and cost-effective. The one important component in flexible PVC that gives it is flexible properties is the plasticizer. The most common plasticizers used are ortho-phthalates. Concerns about some ortho-phthalates toxicity to humans and other living organism has induced a movement away from using ortho-phthalates as a plasticizer.
The chemical company Perstorp AB has developed a non-phthalate plasticizer called Pevalen, which is a general-purpose plasticizer intended for close-to-human applications of flexible PVC. Pevalen has shown to have favorable qualities both for processing and in the final application and has a low toxicity profile.
This thesis work includes the status of the plasticizer market, regional differences between Eu-rope, USA and China and market requirements for the following of close to human flexible PVC applications; coated fabrics, flooring, wall covering, pool liner and food contact material. These requirements have then been compared to internal work and knowledge at Perstorp regarding Pevalen. To find opportunities for the plasticizer to be successful in each segment and identify possible needs to further complement with strengthening technical information and data. 
The market analysis showed that the plasticizer market is very price driven and constantly looking for ways to reduce costs. The most used plasticizers are still the ortho-phthalates due to low production cost and high availability. There is a movement away from using ortho-phthalates with DOTP being the most used non-phthalate plasticizer. Use of DOTP is increasing rapidly on the market and considered the main competitor to Pevalen among the non-phthalates.
Europe is at the forefront of moving away from phthalates and are increasingly interested in the environmental impact and the toxicity of plasticizers. The USA focuses on non-phthalates but is not are so much concerned about sustainable and environmentally friendly products. China is still mainly using ortho-phthalates, but DOTP is increasing. Production speed is one of the most important things here since the market is very competitive, so they are willing to try new plasticizers that can increase productivity. 
For a new plasticizer to compete on the market, it has been found crucial that either the product reduces cost by performing better during the process, that the plasticizer is more efficient, or thirdly that the plasticizer has valuable properties that reduce the need for expensive additives or specialty plasticizers.
The analyze of the application segments showed that flooring and wall coverings have similar key requirements; low VOC, abrasion resistance, dimensional stability, chemical resistance, fire retardancy and low smoke generation. Their application market is hard to enter due to it being very price concerned as well as having high production rates. For food contact materials, the following key requirements have been found important: high flexibility, cleanability, abrasion resistance, migration resistance and chemical resistance. This market is very regulated with stringent requirements. Coated fabrics are considered a promising industry for Pevalen since it gives the material a very soft touch, has low toxicity, low VOC, and good UV-stability which are all factors of high importance in this field. The positive aspects of Pevalen positive aspects are highly valuable in this industry.
Perstorp has done quite an extensive research and laboratory work. However, there are a few gaps, such as abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, and dimensional stability linked to the selected applications that can complement this data. It is also important to always compare with relevant benchmark plasticizers when performing a test. Overall, Pevalen has shown good results in the properties that are important for the researched segments but needs to push more on the cost reducing properties.}},
  author       = {{Bywall, Lisa and Cederlund, Sofie}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Analysis of market and requirements of plasticizers for flexible PVC - With a focus on Perstorp’s non-phthalate plasticizer Pevalen}},
  year         = {{2020}},