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Infections in small children and their families - symptoms,consultations and antibioitcs

Hedin, Katarina LU (2007) In Lund University Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series 2007:3.
Infectious symptoms in infants and their families are common. With rising age the number of symptom day decreases, but increases again for the parents of infants. About one quarter of the symptom days lead to absence from daycare among the infants but the social remuneration system was used by the parents only in 1/3 of the absence days. Among the adults 12% of the symptoms days lead to absence from work and, here the social insurance system was used in 75% of the symptom days. A small proportion of the symptom episodes leads to a physician consultation and antibiotic prescription.

The differences in antibiotic prescription to small children between different communities in Sweden could not be explained by differences in... (More)
Infectious symptoms in infants and their families are common. With rising age the number of symptom day decreases, but increases again for the parents of infants. About one quarter of the symptom days lead to absence from daycare among the infants but the social remuneration system was used by the parents only in 1/3 of the absence days. Among the adults 12% of the symptoms days lead to absence from work and, here the social insurance system was used in 75% of the symptom days. A small proportion of the symptom episodes leads to a physician consultation and antibiotic prescription.

The differences in antibiotic prescription to small children between different communities in Sweden could not be explained by differences in reported infectious symptoms, differences in socioeconomic factors, daycare, ?concern about infectious illness? in the family or physician consultations. This indicates that physicians? habits are of importance.

Infectious symptoms are more common among infants in daycare than among infants in home care. When infants in daycare are taken to consult a physician they are treated in the same way as infants in home care as regards antibiotic prescription

It is possible with little additional effort to inform and train personnel at daycare centres and parents about infections and how they are spread, within the framework of ordinary preschool activities. There was a greater understanding of when a child should be kept at home and when a physician should be consulted. In the small interventional study there was a trend towards lower sickness absence, fewer physician consultations and fewer antibiotic prescriptions to the children. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Symtom på infektion är vanligt hos små barn och deras familjer. Med stigande ålder minskar antalet dagar med symtom, men ökar igen hos föräldrar till små barn. Ungefär en fjärdedel av symtomdagarna ledde till frånvaron från barnomsorgen för barnen, men ersättning från socialförsäkringen användes bara i en tredjedel av dagarna. Bland de vuxna ledde 12% av symtomdagarna till frånvaro från arbetet och ersättning från socialförsäkringen användes i 75% av symtomdagarna. En liten andel av symtomepisoderna ledde till läkarbesök och antibiotikaförskrivning.

Skillnaderna mellan olika kommuner i Sverige i förskrivning av antibiotika till små barn kunde inte förklaras av skillnader i... (More)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Symtom på infektion är vanligt hos små barn och deras familjer. Med stigande ålder minskar antalet dagar med symtom, men ökar igen hos föräldrar till små barn. Ungefär en fjärdedel av symtomdagarna ledde till frånvaron från barnomsorgen för barnen, men ersättning från socialförsäkringen användes bara i en tredjedel av dagarna. Bland de vuxna ledde 12% av symtomdagarna till frånvaro från arbetet och ersättning från socialförsäkringen användes i 75% av symtomdagarna. En liten andel av symtomepisoderna ledde till läkarbesök och antibiotikaförskrivning.

Skillnaderna mellan olika kommuner i Sverige i förskrivning av antibiotika till små barn kunde inte förklaras av skillnader i infektionssymtom, socioekonomiska faktorer, barnomsorg, oro för infektionssjukdom i familjen eller i läkarbesök. Detta talar för att läkarnas beteende är av betydelse.

Infektionssymtom var vanligare bland små barn som vistades på förskolan än bland barn små barn som vistades hemma. När små barn som går på förskola konsulterade läkare så behandlades de på samma sätt som barn som vistades hemma dagtid när det gäller förskrivning av antibiotika.

Det var möjligt att informera och utbilda personal på förskolor och föräldrar om infektioner och smittspridning inom ramen för den ordinarie förskoleverksamheten. Förståelsen för när sjuka barn ska var hemma och när läkare ska konsulteras ökade. I denna lilla interventionsstudie fanns en trend till lägre sjukfrånvaro, färre läkarbesök och färre antibiotikaförskrivningar till barnen. (Less)
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  • Professor Sigurdsson, Jóhann, Department of Family Medicine University of Iceland
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Medicin (människa och djur), Medicine (human and vertebrates), antibioitc prescription, physician consultations, infectious symptoms, daycare, preschool children, families
Lund University Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series
138 pages
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University
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CRC: Aula, Universitetssjukhuset MAS, Ingång 72
defense date
2007-01-12 13:00:00
LU publication?
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74e70d53-1bb0-4b4c-a29f-0e590760a813 (old id 547832)
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2016-04-01 15:56:51
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2019-05-21 22:03:26
  abstract     = {{Infectious symptoms in infants and their families are common. With rising age the number of symptom day decreases, but increases again for the parents of infants. About one quarter of the symptom days lead to absence from daycare among the infants but the social remuneration system was used by the parents only in 1/3 of the absence days. Among the adults 12% of the symptoms days lead to absence from work and, here the social insurance system was used in 75% of the symptom days. A small proportion of the symptom episodes leads to a physician consultation and antibiotic prescription.<br/><br>
The differences in antibiotic prescription to small children between different communities in Sweden could not be explained by differences in reported infectious symptoms, differences in socioeconomic factors, daycare, ?concern about infectious illness? in the family or physician consultations. This indicates that physicians? habits are of importance.<br/><br>
Infectious symptoms are more common among infants in daycare than among infants in home care. When infants in daycare are taken to consult a physician they are treated in the same way as infants in home care as regards antibiotic prescription<br/><br>
It is possible with little additional effort to inform and train personnel at daycare centres and parents about infections and how they are spread, within the framework of ordinary preschool activities. There was a greater understanding of when a child should be kept at home and when a physician should be consulted. In the small interventional study there was a trend towards lower sickness absence, fewer physician consultations and fewer antibiotic prescriptions to the children.}},
  author       = {{Hedin, Katarina}},
  isbn         = {{91-85559-73-3}},
  issn         = {{1652-8220}},
  keywords     = {{Medicin (människa och djur); Medicine (human and vertebrates); antibioitc prescription; physician consultations; infectious symptoms; daycare; preschool children; families}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  publisher    = {{Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  series       = {{Lund University Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series}},
  title        = {{Infections in small children and their families - symptoms,consultations and antibioitcs}},
  url          = {{}},
  volume       = {{2007:3}},
  year         = {{2007}},