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Lund University Publications


Karriär och profession. : Om positioner, statushierarki och mobilitet inom socionomyrket.

Bengtsson, Mikael LU (2020)
Societal reforms and development within the Swedish public sector have reframed the prerequisites for social workers, and other professions, and changed the area of work practice. I have used the career concept in order to investigate professional change because it provides a conceptual lens to illuminate stability and change and it captures both external and internal professional processes. To make use of this lens, I have broken up the professional group by tasks and also included three degree cohorts of social workers as conditions can vary with experience and between time-bound contexts.

The purpose of this dissertation is twofold. The first is to examine and analyse the interplay between external and internal factors in... (More)
Societal reforms and development within the Swedish public sector have reframed the prerequisites for social workers, and other professions, and changed the area of work practice. I have used the career concept in order to investigate professional change because it provides a conceptual lens to illuminate stability and change and it captures both external and internal professional processes. To make use of this lens, I have broken up the professional group by tasks and also included three degree cohorts of social workers as conditions can vary with experience and between time-bound contexts.

The purpose of this dissertation is twofold. The first is to examine and analyse the interplay between external and internal factors in the development of social work as a profession. The second is to examine and analyse the internal organizing of the social work profession through the dynamic be-tween careers, profession and organizations. The following six questions are guiding the work: 1. What does the work area look like in the social worker profession and what are the differences be-tween the three cohorts? 2. What factors shape positions in the field? 3. What positions appear in the field and how do they appear in three time-bound contexts? 4. What does the status-hierarchical order look like and why does the order appear as it does in the field? 5. What forms of mobility arise in the field from the movements and status-hierarchical order and why does mobility look like this? 6. How can the dynamics between careers, profession and organizations be understood as part of the devel-opment of the social worker profession?

The results of the cohorts by employer and scope of practice show the significance of societal chang-es in the field. The profession’s development is affected by the interplay between job opportunities and individuals’ responses, external and internal forces. The cohort-based differences also show movement from certain ‘core’ areas and functions within the profession during careers. The social workers thus appear as a group gathered around certain segments in the welfare services sector, but the same type of employer or scope of practice often includes several of the eight positions that emerges in the field. The positions form a bipartite status-hierarchical order related to profession and organization, an order that is manifested through the mobility of the three cohorts. From the concepts of profession and career, this study has developed a way to explore the interplay between external and internal factors in a professions’ development and its inner organizing. Differentiation and position are active key concepts in the model together with a functional basis and significant individual, organizational and professional factors that define positions. This model of examining interplay and inner organizing can be applied to other professions and contexts.
Abstract (Swedish)
Samhällsreformer och utvecklingen inom den svenska offentliga sektorn har omformat förutsättningarna för socionomyrket och andra professioner samt förändrat socionomernas arbetsområde. Jag har använt begreppet karriär för att undersöka förändringar inom socionomprofessionen, eftersom det ger ett perspektiv för att belysa stabilitet och förändring samt kan fånga både externa och interna krafter i professionens utveckling. För att använda karriärperspektivet har jag delat upp yrkesgruppen utifrån arbetsuppgifter och tre utbildningskohorter av socionomer, eftersom förhållandena kan variera med erfarenhet och mellan tidsbundna sammanhang.

Avhandlingen har två syften. Det ena är att undersöka och analysera samspelet mellan inre och... (More)
Samhällsreformer och utvecklingen inom den svenska offentliga sektorn har omformat förutsättningarna för socionomyrket och andra professioner samt förändrat socionomernas arbetsområde. Jag har använt begreppet karriär för att undersöka förändringar inom socionomprofessionen, eftersom det ger ett perspektiv för att belysa stabilitet och förändring samt kan fånga både externa och interna krafter i professionens utveckling. För att använda karriärperspektivet har jag delat upp yrkesgruppen utifrån arbetsuppgifter och tre utbildningskohorter av socionomer, eftersom förhållandena kan variera med erfarenhet och mellan tidsbundna sammanhang.

Avhandlingen har två syften. Det ena är att undersöka och analysera samspelet mellan inre och yttre faktorer i socionomyrkets utveckling som profession. Det andra är att undersöka och analysera professionens inre organisering utifrån dynamiken mellan karriärer, profession och organisationer. Följande sex frågor är vägledande för arbetet: 1. Hur ser arbetsområdet ut inom socionomyrket och vilka skillnader finns mellan de tre kohorterna? 2. Vilka faktorer formar positioner i fältet? 3. Vilka positioner framträder i fältet och hur framstår de i tre tidsbundna sammanhang? 4. Hur ser den statushierarkiska ordningen ut och varför ter sig ordningen som den gör i fältet? 5. Vilka former av mobilitet ger rörlighet och statushierarkisk ordning upphov till i fältet och varför ser mobiliteten ut på detta sätt? 6. Hur kan dynamiken mellan karriärer, profession och organisationer förstås som en del i socionomyrkets utveckling?

Resultaten av kohorternas fördelning över arbetsgivare och verksamhetsområden visar betydelsen av samhällsförändringar i fältet. Professionens utveckling påverkas av samspelet mellan arbetsmöjligheter och individers gensvar, det vill säga mellan externa och interna krafter. Skillnaderna mellan kohorterna påvisar också rörelser från vissa kärnområden och funktioner inom yrket under karriären. Yrkesgruppen socionomer framstår alltså som samlad kring vissa segment inom välfärdssektorn, men samma typ av arbetsgivare eller verksamhetsområden omfattar ofta flera av de åtta positioner som framträder inom yrket. Positionerna bildar en tudelad statushierarkisk ordning relaterad till profession och organisation; en ordning som manifesteras genom mobiliteten i de tre kohorterna. Utifrån begreppen profession och karriär har denna studie utvecklat ett sätt att undersöka samspelet mellan externa och interna faktorer i en professions utveckling och dess inre organisering. Differentiering och position är nyckelbegrepp i modellen tillsammans med en funktionell grund och betydande individ-, organisations- och professionsfaktorer, vilka definierar positioner. Denna modell för att undersöka samspel och inre organisering kan tillämpas på andra professioner och sammanhang.
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  • Professor Blom, Björn, Umeå universitet
alternative title
Career and Profession. : Positions, status hierarchy and mobility in the profession of social work.
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Profession, yrke, professionalism, intraprofessionell, karriär, socialt arbete, socionom, differentiering, position, status, stratifiering, mobilitet, Profession, occupation, professionalism, intraprofessional, career, social work, differentiation, position, status, stratification, mobility
340 pages
Lund University
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Sh128, Allhelgona kyrkogata 8, Lund. Join via:
defense date
2020-10-30 10:15:00
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2020-10-07 11:13:45
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2020-10-08 15:03:02
  abstract     = {{Societal reforms and development within the Swedish public sector have reframed the prerequisites for social workers, and other professions, and changed the area of work practice. I have used the career concept in order to investigate professional change because it provides a conceptual lens to illuminate stability and change and it captures both external and internal professional processes. To make use of this lens, I have broken up the professional group by tasks and also included three degree cohorts of social workers as conditions can vary with experience and between time-bound contexts.   <br/><br/>The purpose of this dissertation is twofold. The first is to examine and analyse the interplay between external and internal factors in the development of social work as a profession. The second is to examine and analyse the internal organizing of the social work profession through the dynamic be-tween careers, profession and organizations. The following six questions are guiding the work: 1. What does the work area look like in the social worker profession and what are the differences be-tween the three cohorts? 2. What factors shape positions in the field? 3. What positions appear in the field and how do they appear in three time-bound contexts? 4. What does the status-hierarchical order look like and why does the order appear as it does in the field? 5. What forms of mobility arise in the field from the movements and status-hierarchical order and why does mobility look like this? 6. How can the dynamics between careers, profession and organizations be understood as part of the devel-opment of the social worker profession? <br/><br/>The results of the cohorts by employer and scope of practice show the significance of societal chang-es in the field. The profession’s development is affected by the interplay between job opportunities and individuals’ responses, external and internal forces. The cohort-based differences also show movement from certain ‘core’ areas and functions within the profession during careers. The social workers thus appear as a group gathered around certain segments in the welfare services sector, but the same type of employer or scope of practice often includes several of the eight positions that emerges in the field. The positions form a bipartite status-hierarchical order related to profession and organization, an order that is manifested through the mobility of the three cohorts. From the concepts of profession and career, this study has developed a way to explore the interplay between external and internal factors in a professions’ development and its inner organizing. Differentiation and position are active key concepts in the model together with a functional basis and significant individual, organizational and professional factors that define positions. This model of examining interplay and inner organizing can be applied to other professions and contexts.<br/>}},
  author       = {{Bengtsson, Mikael}},
  isbn         = {{978-91-89604-66-7}},
  issn         = {{1650-3872}},
  keywords     = {{Profession; yrke; professionalism; intraprofessionell; karriär; socialt arbete; socionom; differentiering; position; status; stratifiering; mobilitet; Profession; occupation; professionalism; intraprofessional; career; social work; differentiation; position; status; stratification; mobility}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  month        = {{10}},
  number       = {{59}},
  publisher    = {{Lund University}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  title        = {{Karriär och profession. : Om positioner, statushierarki och mobilitet inom socionomyrket.}},
  url          = {{}},
  year         = {{2020}},