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Lund University Publications



Brandt, Peder LU (2005) In Lund Studies in Informatics 3.
The term Software Maintenance was coined in the early 1970s. The subject has significance from several points of view. The costs associated with software maintenance are as a rule considerably higher than what the system cost to develop, which is borne out by many studies conducted in different countries over a period of twenty years. Scientific interest in software maintenance, on the other hand, has been sparse in contrast to interest in system development.

The area of problems dealt with in the present work is software maintenance with an emphasis on software maintenance models. The general problems related to software maintenance have been detailed in several com-prehensive studies. On the other hand, knowledge of... (More)
The term Software Maintenance was coined in the early 1970s. The subject has significance from several points of view. The costs associated with software maintenance are as a rule considerably higher than what the system cost to develop, which is borne out by many studies conducted in different countries over a period of twenty years. Scientific interest in software maintenance, on the other hand, has been sparse in contrast to interest in system development.

The area of problems dealt with in the present work is software maintenance with an emphasis on software maintenance models. The general problems related to software maintenance have been detailed in several com-prehensive studies. On the other hand, knowledge of the effects of using software maintenance models is lim-ited, despite substantial investment in various organisations in order to develop and implement software main-tenance models. A software maintenance model is an idealised picture of recommendations as to how system maintenance should be carried on. The problems upon which this research study focuses have been concre-tised and condensed into three main issues: 1) what are the main characteristics of software maintenance mod-els; 2) in what way do software maintenance models contribute to the stated purposes; and 3) in what ways do software maintenance models contribute to solving the perceived problems in connection with software main-tenance?

The approach chosen was to study ten different software maintenance models from ten different large organisations in Sweden and two international standards. The material was analysed on the basis of a framework that I created, containing eleven different groups of characteristics. Firstly, the results show the main characteristics of the software maintenance models studied, which primarily indicate a higher degree of specialisation and a greater level of detail in the software maintenance models. Secondly, it appears that the software maintenance models at best contribute to approximately half of the defined purposes. Thirdly, it is clear that the software maintenanance models only contribute to solving a third of the known problems associated with software maintenance. There is thus a relatively broad scope for improvement in this area. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Begreppet systemförvaltning började användas i början på 1970-talet. Ämnet har betydelse ur flera perspektiv. Systemförvaltningskostnaderna är som regel betydligt större än systemutvecklingskostnaderna, vilket kan veri¬fieras med flera undersökningar gjorda i olika länder och under en tidsperiod omfattande ett par decennier. Det vetenskapliga intresset för systemförvaltning har däremot varit sparsamt till skillnad för intresset för systemut¬veckling.

Problemområdet för detta arbete är systemförvaltning med betoning på systemförvaltningsmodeller. De gene¬rella problemen med systemförvaltning har kartlagds i flera omfattande undersökningar. Däremot så finns det begränsade... (More)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Begreppet systemförvaltning började användas i början på 1970-talet. Ämnet har betydelse ur flera perspektiv. Systemförvaltningskostnaderna är som regel betydligt större än systemutvecklingskostnaderna, vilket kan veri¬fieras med flera undersökningar gjorda i olika länder och under en tidsperiod omfattande ett par decennier. Det vetenskapliga intresset för systemförvaltning har däremot varit sparsamt till skillnad för intresset för systemut¬veckling.

Problemområdet för detta arbete är systemförvaltning med betoning på systemförvaltningsmodeller. De gene¬rella problemen med systemförvaltning har kartlagds i flera omfattande undersökningar. Däremot så finns det begränsade kunskaper av effekterna av att använda systemförvaltningsmodeller, trots att man investerar en hel del i olika organisationer för att utveckla och implementera systemförvaltningsmodeller. En systemförvalt¬ningsmodell är en idealiserad bild av hur man rekommenderar att bedriva systemförvaltningsarbetet. Problem¬ställningarna i denna forskningsstudie har konkretiserats till tre frågeställningar; 1) vilka är de huvudsakliga egenskaperna hos systemförvaltningsmodellerna, 2) på vilket sätt bidrar systemförvaltningsmodellerna till an¬givna syften och 3) på vilka sätt bidrar systemförvaltningsmodellerna till att lösa upplevda problem i system¬förvaltningsarbetet?

Angreppssätett har varit att studera tio olika systemförvaltningsmodeller från tio olika stora organisationer i Sverige, samt två internationella standarder. Analysen av materialet har gjorts utifrån ett ramverk som jag skapat, vilket innehåller elva olika egenskapsområden. Resultatet redovisar först de huvudsakliga egenskaperna hos de studerade systemförvaltningsmodellerna, vilket främst pekar på en ökad specialisering och detaljering av systemförvaltningsmodellerna. För det andra visar det sig att systemförvaltningsmodellerna bidrar, i bästa fall, till ungefär hälften av de definierade syften. För det tredje visar det sig, att systemförvaltningsmodellerna bidrar med att lösa enbart en trededel av kända problem med systemförvaltningsarbetet. Det finns således ett relativt stort utrymme till förbättringar inom detta område. (Less)
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  • Professor Holmberg, Stig, Mitthögskolan
publishing date
publication status
software life cycle, system life cycle, perfective maintenance, adaptive maintenance, corrective maintenance, business maintenace model, maintenance model, Software maintenance, maintenance process, software maintenance management, Systems engineering, computer technology, Data- och systemvetenskap
Lund Studies in Informatics
468 pages
Department of Informatics, Lund University
defense location
Institutionen för informatik Ole Römers väg 6 Sal 101 Lund
defense date
2005-11-11 10:00:00
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1fc453c6-ccca-4f07-8c29-858de4967a3d (old id 24821)
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2016-04-01 15:37:42
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2019-05-21 19:53:24
  abstract     = {{The term Software Maintenance was coined in the early 1970s. The subject has significance from several points of view. The costs associated with software maintenance are as a rule considerably higher than what the system cost to develop, which is borne out by many studies conducted in different countries over a period of twenty years. Scientific interest in software maintenance, on the other hand, has been sparse in contrast to interest in system development.<br/><br>
The area of problems dealt with in the present work is software maintenance with an emphasis on software maintenance models. The general problems related to software maintenance have been detailed in several com-prehensive studies. On the other hand, knowledge of the effects of using software maintenance models is lim-ited, despite substantial investment in various organisations in order to develop and implement software main-tenance models. A software maintenance model is an idealised picture of recommendations as to how system maintenance should be carried on. The problems upon which this research study focuses have been concre-tised and condensed into three main issues: 1) what are the main characteristics of software maintenance mod-els; 2) in what way do software maintenance models contribute to the stated purposes; and 3) in what ways do software maintenance models contribute to solving the perceived problems in connection with software main-tenance?<br/><br>
The approach chosen was to study ten different software maintenance models from ten different large organisations in Sweden and two international standards. The material was analysed on the basis of a framework that I created, containing eleven different groups of characteristics. Firstly, the results show the main characteristics of the software maintenance models studied, which primarily indicate a higher degree of specialisation and a greater level of detail in the software maintenance models. Secondly, it appears that the software maintenance models at best contribute to approximately half of the defined purposes. Thirdly, it is clear that the software maintenanance models only contribute to solving a third of the known problems associated with software maintenance. There is thus a relatively broad scope for improvement in this area.}},
  author       = {{Brandt, Peder}},
  isbn         = {{91-628-6641-9}},
  issn         = {{1651-1816}},
  keywords     = {{software life cycle; system life cycle; perfective maintenance; adaptive maintenance; corrective maintenance; business maintenace model; maintenance model; Software maintenance; maintenance process; software maintenance management; Systems engineering; computer technology; Data- och systemvetenskap}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  publisher    = {{Department of Informatics, Lund University}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  series       = {{Lund Studies in Informatics}},
  title        = {{Systemförvaltningsmodeller}},
  volume       = {{3}},
  year         = {{2005}},