The affects towards and perceptions of the self and significant others in hemophiliacs and diabetics
(2002)- Abstract
- The Affects Towards And Perceptions Of The Self And Significant Others in Hemophiliacs and Diabetics The studies in this dissertation investigated the feelings towards and ways of perceiving the self and significant others in twenty-seven patients with hemophilia between the ages of 16-39 to discern how their perceptual-affect states are organized. Secondly, the relationship between bleeds and affect states was also examined. In order to ascertain whether the hemophiliac group's perceptual-affect states were specific to them, the same instrument that was given to the hemophiliacs was administered to a group of insulin-dependent diabetic male patients. The correlations between diabetic control, as measured by the subjects' HbA1c levels and... (More)
- The Affects Towards And Perceptions Of The Self And Significant Others in Hemophiliacs and Diabetics The studies in this dissertation investigated the feelings towards and ways of perceiving the self and significant others in twenty-seven patients with hemophilia between the ages of 16-39 to discern how their perceptual-affect states are organized. Secondly, the relationship between bleeds and affect states was also examined. In order to ascertain whether the hemophiliac group's perceptual-affect states were specific to them, the same instrument that was given to the hemophiliacs was administered to a group of insulin-dependent diabetic male patients. The correlations between diabetic control, as measured by the subjects' HbA1c levels and the ways of feeling toward and perceiving the self and significant others is also presented. This three part dissertatin opened with a report on a four year psychoanalytic treatment of a young boy with hemophilia. The central concerns which arose from the psychoanalytic material showed striking congruence with the results from the quantitative study which followed, particularly with respect to the perceptual-affect states that emerged. Namely, issues to do with that which was deemed threatening, with perceptions of others who appeared to be damaged and lastly, the desire to take control over others and events both emanating from within and outside the self were of primary importance in both studies. By way of the repertory grid, the empirical study which comprised the second portion of the dissertation delineated those perceptual-affect states which underpin the hemophiliac's view of significant others and the self. The perceptual-affect states were also correlated with the subjects' frequency of bleeds over a one year period. The findings partially supported the hypothesized relationship documented in the literature which states that the appearance of organized perceptions and affects in these patients towards significant others is related to a higher frequency of bleeds than in those patients who do not present with these affects and perceptions. The comparison group of twenty-seven male subjects with insulin-depedent diabetes mellitus between the ages of 16 to 39 that was given the same instrument as the hemophiliacs comprised the third portion of the dissertation. The results showed the emergence of the same factor structure as the hemophiliac group. The role of externalization of unacceptable aspects of the self onto significant others was also highlighted in both groups. This paves the way for difficulties in mentalization of psychic conflict and its enactment by way of the body or onto others. (Less)
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Popular Abstract in Swedish
Hur upplever och ser personer med blödarsjuka eller sockersjuka sig själva och närstående andra. I den första delen av denna avhandling studeras 27 patienter, 16 till 39 år gamla, med blödarsjuka. Av primärt intresse var från början frågan hur sjukdomen kunde tänkas påverka deras känsloliv och i synnerhet deras syn på sig själva och betydelsefulla medmänniskor. Därutöver undersöker författaren eventuella samband mellan känslotillstånd och s k spontana blödningar, ett problem som hittills föga uppmärksammats i den vetenskapliga litteraturen. I avsikt att ta reda på om den blödarsjuka gruppens känslotillstånd specifikt präglades av deras sjukdom gav författaren det välkända "repertory grid"?testet,... (More) - Popular Abstract in Swedish
Hur upplever och ser personer med blödarsjuka eller sockersjuka sig själva och närstående andra. I den första delen av denna avhandling studeras 27 patienter, 16 till 39 år gamla, med blödarsjuka. Av primärt intresse var från början frågan hur sjukdomen kunde tänkas påverka deras känsloliv och i synnerhet deras syn på sig själva och betydelsefulla medmänniskor. Därutöver undersöker författaren eventuella samband mellan känslotillstånd och s k spontana blödningar, ett problem som hittills föga uppmärksammats i den vetenskapliga litteraturen. I avsikt att ta reda på om den blödarsjuka gruppens känslotillstånd specifikt präglades av deras sjukdom gav författaren det välkända "repertory grid"?testet, inte bara till dem med blödarsjuka utan också till en grupp insulinberoende manliga patienter med sockersjuka. I tillägg till denna fokusering på de sockersjuka patienternas känslomässiga tillstånd och uppfattning om medmänniskorna undersöktes också om det fanns några samband med hur väl patienterna kontrollerade sin sjukdom. Denna treledade avhandling börjar med att beskriva en fyraårig psykoanalytisk behandling av en fyraårig pojke med blödarsjuka. De problem som aktualiserades av det psykoanalytiska materialet återkom i den efterföljande kvantitativa studien. Detta gällde fr a känslofärgningen av tillvaron. Så t ex återkom frågor rörande företeelser som kändes hotande, upplevelser av andra människor som också var på något vis drabbade samt åstundan att ta kontroll över andra. Dessutom demonstrerades betydelsen av försvarsstrategin externalisering, en sak som särskilt analyserades. Med hjälp av "repertory grid"-testet försökte författaren i den andra delen av avhandlingen blottlägga de känslotillstånd som ligger bakom blödarsjuka patienters syn på sig själva och betydelsefulla medmänniskor - ett försök som aldrig tidigare gjorts på detta sätt. Därmed kunde tidigare fynd på området konfirmeras och fördjupas.
Känslotillstånden korrelerade också med antalet spontanblödningar över en ettårsperiod. Resultaten stödde till en del ett i vetenskapslitteraturen dokumenterat antagande att vissa typer av utpräglade känslor eller upplevelser av andra har samband med ökat antal blödningar, detta i jämförelse med patienter som inte ser tillvaron på det viset. Variationer rörande synen på närstående studerades noggrant. Ett resultat var speciellt förbluffande: synen på det egna jaget uppvisade inga samband med antal blödningar. Möjliga skäl till detta diskuteras.
Jämförelsegruppen om 27 män med sockersjuka, 16 till 39 år gamla, bildade avhandlingens tredje del. De testade på samma sätt som tidigare patienter. Den framräknade faktorbilden på grundval av "repertory grid"-testet liknade den som de blödarsjuka gett. Upplevelsen av det egna jaget och av närstående jämfördes med graden av sjukdomskontroll. Likheter och skillnader mellan de två patientgrupperna diskuteras. Särskilt pregnant var skillnaden när det gällde modern - central hos dem med blödarsjuka - och betydelsen av att kunna få kontroll, både på ett somatiskt och ett psykologiskt plan - märkbar främst hos dem med sockersjuka.
Vikten av att kunna projicera oacceptabla sidor av det egna jaget på andra kunde belysas i båda grupperna. En sådan externalisering är ägnad att försvåra patientens möjligheter att bearbeta sina egna inre konflikter, särskilt när bearbetningen involverar den egna kroppen eller andra människor.
Slutligen diskuteras hur avhandlingens fynd kan utnyttjas till ett förbättra den psykologiska behandlingen av dessa två kroniska sjukdomsgrupper. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Lament, Claudia LU
- supervisor
- opponent
- Professor Fonagy, Peter, Univ College London
- organization
- publishing date
- 2002
- type
- Thesis
- publication status
- published
- subject
- keywords
- Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Self Perception, Hemophilia, Diabetics, Psykologi
- pages
- 140 pages
- publisher
- Claudia Lament, 136 Prospect Park West 6A, Brooklyn, 11215 N.Y. USA,
- defense location
- Hörsal 128, St Algatan 4, Lund
- defense date
- 2002-05-27 10:15:00
- external identifiers
- other:ISRN: LUSADG/SAPS-02/1110-SE
- 91-628-5218-3
- language
- English
- LU publication?
- yes
- id
- 55191d4e-d1cc-4a62-9ab7-67b682281599 (old id 20771)
- date added to LUP
- 2016-04-04 11:19:46
- date last changed
- 2021-12-20 10:41:42
@phdthesis{55191d4e-d1cc-4a62-9ab7-67b682281599, abstract = {{The Affects Towards And Perceptions Of The Self And Significant Others in Hemophiliacs and Diabetics The studies in this dissertation investigated the feelings towards and ways of perceiving the self and significant others in twenty-seven patients with hemophilia between the ages of 16-39 to discern how their perceptual-affect states are organized. Secondly, the relationship between bleeds and affect states was also examined. In order to ascertain whether the hemophiliac group's perceptual-affect states were specific to them, the same instrument that was given to the hemophiliacs was administered to a group of insulin-dependent diabetic male patients. The correlations between diabetic control, as measured by the subjects' HbA1c levels and the ways of feeling toward and perceiving the self and significant others is also presented. This three part dissertatin opened with a report on a four year psychoanalytic treatment of a young boy with hemophilia. The central concerns which arose from the psychoanalytic material showed striking congruence with the results from the quantitative study which followed, particularly with respect to the perceptual-affect states that emerged. Namely, issues to do with that which was deemed threatening, with perceptions of others who appeared to be damaged and lastly, the desire to take control over others and events both emanating from within and outside the self were of primary importance in both studies. By way of the repertory grid, the empirical study which comprised the second portion of the dissertation delineated those perceptual-affect states which underpin the hemophiliac's view of significant others and the self. The perceptual-affect states were also correlated with the subjects' frequency of bleeds over a one year period. The findings partially supported the hypothesized relationship documented in the literature which states that the appearance of organized perceptions and affects in these patients towards significant others is related to a higher frequency of bleeds than in those patients who do not present with these affects and perceptions. The comparison group of twenty-seven male subjects with insulin-depedent diabetes mellitus between the ages of 16 to 39 that was given the same instrument as the hemophiliacs comprised the third portion of the dissertation. The results showed the emergence of the same factor structure as the hemophiliac group. The role of externalization of unacceptable aspects of the self onto significant others was also highlighted in both groups. This paves the way for difficulties in mentalization of psychic conflict and its enactment by way of the body or onto others.}}, author = {{Lament, Claudia}}, isbn = {{91-628-5218-3}}, keywords = {{Psychology; Psychoanalysis; Self Perception; Hemophilia; Diabetics; Psykologi}}, language = {{eng}}, publisher = {{Claudia Lament, 136 Prospect Park West 6A, Brooklyn, 11215 N.Y. USA,}}, school = {{Lund University}}, title = {{The affects towards and perceptions of the self and significant others in hemophiliacs and diabetics}}, year = {{2002}}, }