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Lund University Publications


Personality research in teams : A methodological reconsideration of the individual differences perspective

Persson, Rebecka LU (2022)
The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate whether the application of personality in team research can
be performed so that the individual differences, that are typically studied in personality research, are maintained.
Two different approaches to apply personality to team research, without changing the unit of study from individuals
to teams, were suggested and demonstrated with example data. Personality in individuals was related to team
process perceptions in individuals, to evaluate construct overlap. Personality in individuals was also related to team
outcomes by team role subgroups of individuals. Team role subgroups were additionally used to study if individual
differences are useful when we... (More)
The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate whether the application of personality in team research can
be performed so that the individual differences, that are typically studied in personality research, are maintained.
Two different approaches to apply personality to team research, without changing the unit of study from individuals
to teams, were suggested and demonstrated with example data. Personality in individuals was related to team
process perceptions in individuals, to evaluate construct overlap. Personality in individuals was also related to team
outcomes by team role subgroups of individuals. Team role subgroups were additionally used to study if individual
differences are useful when we study team processes. The different units of analysis in personality- and team
research were discussed in relation to the dimension of data that is about persons or entities (Cattell, 1952).
In Study 1, we studied whether team process perceptions of individuals had relationships with personality traits.
Furthermore, we addressed how such construct content overlaps may affect team level relationships. It was
suggested that personality traits be applied at the individual level in team process research, instead of at the team
In Study 2 I addressed the possibility to relate individual level personality to team level outcomes, by dividing the
sample of individuals into team role subgroups. It was illustrated how team data must be restructured to enable
analysis. Interaction effects were suggested as a means of addressing interdependence in teams.
With Study 3, my aim was to investigate whether the individual level variability of team processes would be
meaningful to understand team processes. I used team role subgroups to show how we can evaluate whether team
processes develop differently in team members of same teams.
The method in common to the three studies was that individuals were studied across teams, instead of within or
between teams, yet in relation to the team structure of data. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med den här avhandlingen var att undersöka om användningen av
personlighet i teamforskning kan göras på ett sådant sätt att individuella skillnader,
som är det som typiskt studeras i personlighetsforskning, bibehålls. Två olika sätt
att applicera personlighet i teamforskning, utan att ändra analysenheten från
individer till team, föreslogs och demonstrerades med exempeldata. Personlighet
hos individer relaterades till individernas skattningar av teamprocesser, för att
studera överlappande betydelse mellan personlighet och teamprocesser.
Personlighet hos individer relaterades också till teamutfall via individernas
teamroller. Dessutom relaterades teamroller till individers teamprocesskattningar
för... (More)
Syftet med den här avhandlingen var att undersöka om användningen av
personlighet i teamforskning kan göras på ett sådant sätt att individuella skillnader,
som är det som typiskt studeras i personlighetsforskning, bibehålls. Två olika sätt
att applicera personlighet i teamforskning, utan att ändra analysenheten från
individer till team, föreslogs och demonstrerades med exempeldata. Personlighet
hos individer relaterades till individernas skattningar av teamprocesser, för att
studera överlappande betydelse mellan personlighet och teamprocesser.
Personlighet hos individer relaterades också till teamutfall via individernas
teamroller. Dessutom relaterades teamroller till individers teamprocesskattningar
för att undersöka om individuella skillnader är användbara också när vi undersöker
teamprocesser. Olika analysenheter i personlighets- och teamforskning diskuterades
i relation till dimensionen av data som handlar om personer eller enheter (Cattell,
I Studie 1 undersökte vi om teammedlemmars teamprocesskattningar hade
relationer till personlighetsegenskaper. Dessutom adresserades hur mycket sådana
överlappande betydelser kan påverka relationer på teamnivå. Det föreslogs att
personlighetsegenskaper borde appliceras på individnivå när man forskar om
I Studie 2 undersökte jag möjligheten att relatera personlighet till utfall på teamnivå,
genom att dela upp urvalet av individer i subgrupper enligt deras teamroller. Det
illustrerades hur data behöver omstruktureras för att analys ska vara möjlig.
Interaktionseffekter föreslogs som ett sätt att adressera teammedlemmars beroende
av varandra.
I Studie 3 ville jag undersöka om variation i teamprocesskattningar på individnivå
kan vara meningsfullt för att förstå teamprocesser. Jag använde subgrupper, enligt
teamroller, för att visa hur vi kan utvärdera om teamprocesser utvecklas på olika sätt
hos medlemmar av samma team.
Metoden som var gemensam för de tre studierna var att individer studerades över
team, istället för inom- eller mellan team, men ändå i relation till teamstrukturen i
data. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
  • Associate Professor Lang, Jonas W. B., Ghent University
publishing date
publication status
Personlaity, teams, individual differences, methods, psychological mesaurement, multilevel modeling, applied psychology
77 pages
Lund University
defense location
Edens hörsal, Allhelgona kyrkogata 14, Lund
defense date
2022-02-10 13:00:00
LU publication?
date added to LUP
2022-01-18 17:44:58
date last changed
2022-01-19 09:58:37
  abstract     = {{The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate whether the application of personality in team research can<br/>be performed so that the individual differences, that are typically studied in personality research, are maintained.<br/>Two different approaches to apply personality to team research, without changing the unit of study from individuals<br/>to teams, were suggested and demonstrated with example data. Personality in individuals was related to team<br/>process perceptions in individuals, to evaluate construct overlap. Personality in individuals was also related to team<br/>outcomes by team role subgroups of individuals. Team role subgroups were additionally used to study if individual<br/>differences are useful when we study team processes. The different units of analysis in personality- and team<br/>research were discussed in relation to the dimension of data that is about persons or entities (Cattell, 1952).<br/>In Study 1, we studied whether team process perceptions of individuals had relationships with personality traits.<br/>Furthermore, we addressed how such construct content overlaps may affect team level relationships. It was<br/>suggested that personality traits be applied at the individual level in team process research, instead of at the team<br/>level.<br/>In Study 2 I addressed the possibility to relate individual level personality to team level outcomes, by dividing the<br/>sample of individuals into team role subgroups. It was illustrated how team data must be restructured to enable<br/>analysis. Interaction effects were suggested as a means of addressing interdependence in teams.<br/>With Study 3, my aim was to investigate whether the individual level variability of team processes would be<br/>meaningful to understand team processes. I used team role subgroups to show how we can evaluate whether team<br/>processes develop differently in team members of same teams.<br/>The method in common to the three studies was that individuals were studied across teams, instead of within or<br/>between teams, yet in relation to the team structure of data.}},
  author       = {{Persson, Rebecka}},
  isbn         = {{978-91-8039-141-2}},
  keywords     = {{Personlaity; teams; individual differences; methods; psychological mesaurement; multilevel modeling; applied psychology}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  publisher    = {{Lund University}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  title        = {{Personality research in teams : A methodological reconsideration of the individual differences perspective}},
  url          = {{}},
  year         = {{2022}},