Is genetic diversity more important for terpene emissions than latitudinal adaptation? : Using genetically identical trees to better understand emission fluctuations across a European gradient
(2017)- Abstract
- Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are trace gases other than CO2 and CH4 produced and emitted by the vegetation. The group consists of thousands of compounds in various shapes and sizes and with short atmospheric lifetimes. Some of the most common BVOC groups are called isoprene, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. For the plant, the emission of BVOCs is used for plant communication, attracting pollinators, to deter herbivores and to enhance abiotic stress defense against for example high temperatures, irradiation or oxidative stresses. But once released into the atmosphere, they are affecting the atmospheric chemistry which in effect alters our climate. Depending on the atmospheric composition, BVOC emissions can either enhance... (More)
- Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are trace gases other than CO2 and CH4 produced and emitted by the vegetation. The group consists of thousands of compounds in various shapes and sizes and with short atmospheric lifetimes. Some of the most common BVOC groups are called isoprene, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. For the plant, the emission of BVOCs is used for plant communication, attracting pollinators, to deter herbivores and to enhance abiotic stress defense against for example high temperatures, irradiation or oxidative stresses. But once released into the atmosphere, they are affecting the atmospheric chemistry which in effect alters our climate. Depending on the atmospheric composition, BVOC emissions can either enhance tropospheric ozone and indirectly prolong the lifetimes of greenhouse gases such as methane by reducing the concentration of hydroxyl radicals, or increase the formation of aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei which may mitigate the effect of greenhouse gases on global warming.
It is fairly well known that BVOCs have an impact on the climate. However, whether the BVOC emissions have a warming or cooling effect on the overall climate is difficult to determine due to existing emission pattern variations both between individuals of the same species and between species. Some of the reasons which are often discussed to be influential and where there is relatively little data available are within-species genetic variation, stress response, adaptation to different weather and climatic conditions and seasonality. In this thesis, focus has been given to the importance of genetic diversity and adaptation to different growing conditions. Studies have been conducted on three European tree species with genetically identical individuals across a latitudinal gradient, stretching from Slovenia to southern Finland. The main results were that even though the emission amounts varied between sites due to differences in weather events, the progression of the growing season and insect outbreaks, the compound composition between individuals were similar both across latitudes and between measurement years. By showing compound composition stability for genetically identical trees, the results highlights the importance of taking genetic diversity into account in terms of observed emission pattern variations. The response to changing light conditions on the emission amount of different compounds was also investigated. The results uncovered that different compounds had different emission responses to changing light conditions, but that the response of the compounds were fairly similar across different species.
(Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Biologiskt flyktiga organiska ämnen (BVOCs) är spårämnen förutom CO2 och CH4 som produceras och släpps ut av växter. Termen innehåller tusentals olika ämnen i varierande former och storlekar och där ämnena har korta atmosfäriska livstider. Några av de vanligaste BVOC grupperna kallas isopren, monoterpener och sesquiterpener. Växterna använder sig av BVOCs för att kommunicera med varandra, attrahera pollinerare, avskräcka växtätare eller för att öka sitt interna försvar mot abiotiska stressfaktorer så som höga temperaturer, hög solstrålning och oxidativ stress. Men när de väl släpps ut i atmosfären så påverkar de atmosfärens kemi och på så sätt förändrar de vårt klimat. Beroende på atmosfärens partikelsammansättning så kan utsläppen av... (More)
- Biologiskt flyktiga organiska ämnen (BVOCs) är spårämnen förutom CO2 och CH4 som produceras och släpps ut av växter. Termen innehåller tusentals olika ämnen i varierande former och storlekar och där ämnena har korta atmosfäriska livstider. Några av de vanligaste BVOC grupperna kallas isopren, monoterpener och sesquiterpener. Växterna använder sig av BVOCs för att kommunicera med varandra, attrahera pollinerare, avskräcka växtätare eller för att öka sitt interna försvar mot abiotiska stressfaktorer så som höga temperaturer, hög solstrålning och oxidativ stress. Men när de väl släpps ut i atmosfären så påverkar de atmosfärens kemi och på så sätt förändrar de vårt klimat. Beroende på atmosfärens partikelsammansättning så kan utsläppen av BVOCs öka mängden troposfäriskt ozon och indirekt förlänga livslängden på olika växthusgaser, så som metan, genom att minska koncentrationen av hydroxylradikaler. Men de kan också öka antalet aerosoler och kondensationskärnor som bildar moln, vilket mildrar den effekt växthusgaserna har på den globala uppvärmningen.
Det är relativt välkänt att BVOCs påverkar vårt klimat, men på grund av existerande utsläppsvariationer, både mellan olika individer av samma art och mellan olika arter, så är det svårt att avgöra hur stor påverkan BVOCs har på vårt klimat. Orsaker som diskuterats och som det finns relativt lite information om är genetisk diversitet mellan individer inom samma art, stressrespons, anpassning till olika väder- och klimatförhållanden och variationer mellan olika säsonger. I den här avhandlingen har fokus legat på vikten av genetisk diversitet och potentiell anpassning till olika växtförhållanden. Genom att bedriva studier på tre europeiska trädarter med genetiskt identiska individer, men som växer längs en latitudinell gradient som sträcker sig från Slovenien och upp till södra Finland. Resultaten visade att trots att det fanns skillnader mellan de valda undersökningsområdena när det gällde mängden utsläpp, främst på grund av olika väderförhållanden, hur långt växtsäsongen hade fortlöpit och insektsutbrott, så var sammansättningen av ämnen jämförbara mellan de studerande individerna och över både latitud och de år som undersökningarna genomfördes. Genom att visa stabilitet i ämneskomposition för genetiskt identiska träd, understryker resultaten vikten av att ta med genetisk variation i beräkningen när det gäller observerade variationer i ämnesutsläpp. Något som också har undersökts är hur mängden utsläpp av individuella ämnen reagerar vid förändringar i ljusförhållanden. Resultaten visade att olika ämnen reagerade på olika sätt vid förändringar i mängen tillgängligt ljus, men att responsen av dessa ämnen var förhållandevis lik mellan de studerade trädarterna.
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- author
- van Meeningen, Ylva LU
- supervisor
- opponent
- Professor Bäck, Jaana, Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland
- organization
- alternative title
- Är genetisk diversitet viktigare för terpen-utsläpp än anpassning till latitud? : Användandet av genetiskt identiska träd för att öka förståelsen för utsläppsfluktuationer läng med en europeisk gradient
- publishing date
- 2017-04
- type
- Thesis
- publication status
- published
- subject
- keywords
- BVOC, English oak, European beech, Norway spruce, genetic diversity, European gradient
- pages
- 149 pages
- publisher
- Lund University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
- defense location
- Lecture hall “Pangea”, Geocentre II, Sölvegatan 12, Lund
- defense date
- 2017-06-01 10:00:00
- 978-91-85793-82-2
- 978-91-85793-81-5
- project
- Analysis of climate and seasonality impacts on species-specific BVOC emission capacities to improve a regional/global emission model
- language
- English
- LU publication?
- yes
- id
- 68db6b08-41c5-4d68-913e-99038d06ff13
- date added to LUP
- 2017-05-05 14:09:52
- date last changed
- 2018-11-21 21:31:47
@phdthesis{68db6b08-41c5-4d68-913e-99038d06ff13, abstract = {{Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are trace gases other than CO2 and CH4 produced and emitted by the vegetation. The group consists of thousands of compounds in various shapes and sizes and with short atmospheric lifetimes. Some of the most common BVOC groups are called isoprene, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. For the plant, the emission of BVOCs is used for plant communication, attracting pollinators, to deter herbivores and to enhance abiotic stress defense against for example high temperatures, irradiation or oxidative stresses. But once released into the atmosphere, they are affecting the atmospheric chemistry which in effect alters our climate. Depending on the atmospheric composition, BVOC emissions can either enhance tropospheric ozone and indirectly prolong the lifetimes of greenhouse gases such as methane by reducing the concentration of hydroxyl radicals, or increase the formation of aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei which may mitigate the effect of greenhouse gases on global warming.<br/>It is fairly well known that BVOCs have an impact on the climate. However, whether the BVOC emissions have a warming or cooling effect on the overall climate is difficult to determine due to existing emission pattern variations both between individuals of the same species and between species. Some of the reasons which are often discussed to be influential and where there is relatively little data available are within-species genetic variation, stress response, adaptation to different weather and climatic conditions and seasonality. In this thesis, focus has been given to the importance of genetic diversity and adaptation to different growing conditions. Studies have been conducted on three European tree species with genetically identical individuals across a latitudinal gradient, stretching from Slovenia to southern Finland. The main results were that even though the emission amounts varied between sites due to differences in weather events, the progression of the growing season and insect outbreaks, the compound composition between individuals were similar both across latitudes and between measurement years. By showing compound composition stability for genetically identical trees, the results highlights the importance of taking genetic diversity into account in terms of observed emission pattern variations. The response to changing light conditions on the emission amount of different compounds was also investigated. The results uncovered that different compounds had different emission responses to changing light conditions, but that the response of the compounds were fairly similar across different species.<br/>}}, author = {{van Meeningen, Ylva}}, isbn = {{978-91-85793-82-2}}, keywords = {{BVOC; English oak; European beech; Norway spruce; genetic diversity; European gradient}}, language = {{eng}}, publisher = {{Lund University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science}}, school = {{Lund University}}, title = {{Is genetic diversity more important for terpene emissions than latitudinal adaptation? : Using genetically identical trees to better understand emission fluctuations across a European gradient}}, url = {{}}, year = {{2017}}, }