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Uptake and bioaccumulation of ionizable pharmaceuticals in aquatic organisms

Boström, Marja L. LU (2019)
Pharmaceuticals are found at low concentrations (ng/L) in aquatic environments but bioaccumulation may result in aquatic organisms reaching internal effect levels (µg/L). Environmental hazard assessments include standardized bioaccumulation tests but contrary to the model substances around which the frameworks are built most pharmaceuticals are designed to mimic endogenic chemicals, ionizable, and less lipophilic. Hence, if using the same frameworks one may over- or underestimate hazard. I used the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) fluoxetine and sertraline, both weak bases, and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and ibuprofen, all four weak acids to evaluate possible over- or... (More)
Pharmaceuticals are found at low concentrations (ng/L) in aquatic environments but bioaccumulation may result in aquatic organisms reaching internal effect levels (µg/L). Environmental hazard assessments include standardized bioaccumulation tests but contrary to the model substances around which the frameworks are built most pharmaceuticals are designed to mimic endogenic chemicals, ionizable, and less lipophilic. Hence, if using the same frameworks one may over- or underestimate hazard. I used the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) fluoxetine and sertraline, both weak bases, and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and ibuprofen, all four weak acids to evaluate possible over- or underestimation in hazard assessments. Also, to quantify the pharmaceuticals in organism tissue I developed a hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) method. The enrichment factor was high, 1900-3000 times, thus, the method is applicable for quantification at environmentally relevant concentrations.
Misestimation of predicted pharmaceutical bioaccumulation may be due to: pH-dependent uptake. Degree of uncharged molecule uptake is greater than for ions and water pHs decreasing ionization will increase bioaccumulation and, thereby, also toxicity. Environmental pH typically ranges between 6 and 9 but hazard assessments are usually performed using toxicity data determined at one pH only. Using data from Daphnia magna toxicity testing at pH 7 and a pH distribution data set with over 4000 European running waters, I took a probabilistic modelling approach to study misestimations of hazard. European waters are often slightly basic and the model predicted underestimation by a median factor of 3 for the bases (90% of the results ranging from 1 to 6) and overestimation by a factor of 2 for acids (90% of the results ranging from 0.03 to 5). Because aquatic pH exhibited large variation both within and between countries, I advise the use of site-specific risk assessments for ionizable pharmaceuticals when making water management decisions. Organisms adapting to living in chronically polluted waters by reducing bioaccumulation. I compared fluoxetine bioaccumulation in a fish population (Rutilus rutilus) residing in a by wastewater polluted environment to a population living upstream the polluted site. Bioaccumulation in fish from the polluted site was 10% lower than in fish upstream, and this still remained after exposing detoxified fish. This indicates adaptation and because it was not temporary, suggests alterations on a heritable genetic level. Consideration of the influence of pollution history on bioconcentration in hazard assessments could be called for, as identical experimental and environmental external exposure concentrations may result in different internal exposure. The standardized hazard assessment test species not being the ones bioaccumulating the most. Dietary transfer is an important route of uptake for the early model substances and may result in trophic accumulation, but published data are inconclusive concerning such importance for pharmaceuticals. To study possible trophic transfer, I exposed two three-level aquatic food chains (leaf detritus, Acer platanoides; fed to Asellus aquaticus; in turn fed to Notonecta glauca or Pungitius pungitius) to the SSRIs. Bioaccumulation was 20-50% lower at higher trophic levels, indicating that dietary transfer is not of importance for internal concentrations. Organisms at low trophic levels had the highest internal concentrations, suggesting importance for their inclusion in hazard assessments.
My results conclude that to make informed water management decisions site specific conditions such as pH and history of pollution need to be considered if not to over- or underestimate hazard. Also, standardized bioaccumulation test species may not be the ones reaching the highest internal concentrations in the wild and hazard may, consequently, become underestimate. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning
Främsta källan till läkemedel i miljön är att vi människor inte bryter ner det vi stoppar i oss och att avloppsreningsverk inte heller helt eliminerar resterna i reningsprocessen. Koncentrationerna i naturen är dock ofta låga men vattenlevande organismer kan ackumulera vissa läkemedel så koncentrationen i deras kroppar blir högre än i omgivningen, så kallad bioackumulation. Bioackumulation kan leda till att den invärtes koncentrationen blir så hög att det ger effekter liknande de hos människan eller andra helt oväntade effekter. Miljöriskanalyser, där bioackumulationstester inkluderas, genomförs innan läkemedel släpps ut på marknaden men ramverket är uppbyggt runt kemiska ämnen som till viss del, men... (More)
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning
Främsta källan till läkemedel i miljön är att vi människor inte bryter ner det vi stoppar i oss och att avloppsreningsverk inte heller helt eliminerar resterna i reningsprocessen. Koncentrationerna i naturen är dock ofta låga men vattenlevande organismer kan ackumulera vissa läkemedel så koncentrationen i deras kroppar blir högre än i omgivningen, så kallad bioackumulation. Bioackumulation kan leda till att den invärtes koncentrationen blir så hög att det ger effekter liknande de hos människan eller andra helt oväntade effekter. Miljöriskanalyser, där bioackumulationstester inkluderas, genomförs innan läkemedel släpps ut på marknaden men ramverket är uppbyggt runt kemiska ämnen som till viss del, men inte helt, är lika de flesta läkemedlen. I denna avhandling har bioackumulering av värktabletter (verksamma substanser: diklofenak, ibuprofen, naproxen och ketoprofen) och antidepressiv medicin (verksamma substanser: sertralin och fluoxetin) hos vattenlevande organismer studerats för att utvärdera om användandet av nuvarande ramverk leder till att man riskerar att under- eller övervärdera risk.
Gemensamt för läkemedlen i avhandlingen är att de är joniserbara, det vill säga, de har en oladdad och en laddad form (positiv eller negativ). Hur mycket som finns av varje form varierar med pH i miljön. Oladdade ämnen tas lättare upp av vattenlevande organismer, så vid pH-värden i vattnet där denna form dominerar ökar upptaget och därmed risken att läkemedlet ger effekt. Naturligt varierar pH i vattenmiljöer med till exempel årstid, tid på dygnet och markförhållanden. Man använder oftast bara ett pH när man genomför tester som ligger till grund för riskbedömningar. Resultaten i denna avhandling visar att om riskbedömningstesterna endast utförs vid neutralt pH 7 så riskerar man att i vattendrag i Europa undervärdera risken för de basiska antidepressiva medicinerna och övervärdera risken för de sura värktabletterna.
Organismer kan anpassa sig att leva i förorenade miljöer genom att minska bioackumuleringen av de ämnen som finns där, och därmed risken att invärtes koncentrationer når nivåer som ger effekt. Vattenlevande organismer som lever nedströms avloppsreningsverk skulle alltså potentiellt kunna anpassa sig genom att minska bioackumulering av läkemedelsrester. I avhandlingen visas att en mörtpopulation nedströms ett avloppsreningsverk bioackumulerar fluoxetin till en lägre grad än en som lever uppströms. Om mörten som lever nedströms genomgick en avgiftning, det vill säga de hölls i rent vatten i en vecka, innan de blev exponerade så var bioackumulationen fortfarande lägre. Det senare skulle kunna tyda på att anpassningen inte är individuell och tillfällig utan kan ligga på gennivå, vilket betyder att den är ärftlig.
De kemiska substanser som ramverket kring riskanalyser byggts upp runt når högre koncentrationer i djur högre upp i näringskedjan då exponerad föda adderar till bioackumulationen. Om detta också är sant för läkemedel är oklart. Någon slutsats kan inte dras från publicerade studier men resultaten i denna avhandling visar att när hela näringskedjor exponeras så sker ingen ökning uppåt till nästa födonivå. Snarare är koncentrationerna högre längre ner i näringskedjan.
Slutsatsen från denna avhandling är att riskbedömningar för joniserbara läkemedel kan bli missvisande om: 1) pH i miljön skiljer sig från det i laboratorietester, 2) organismer har minskat bioackumuleringen för att anpassa sig till ett liv i vatten där läkemedel kontinuerligt tillförs, 3) man bara gör bioackumulationstester på djur högt upp i näringskedjan. Det är av högsta vikt att detta tas i beaktning av beslutsfattare när de ska ta vattenförvaltningsbeslut. (Less)
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  • Professor Borgå, Katrine, University of Oslo, Norway
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Antidepressiva medel, Avloppsvatten, BAF, BCF, Bioackumulation, Biokoncentration, Biomagnifikation, CYP, Extraktionsteknik, HF-LPME, Joniserbara läkemedel, Metabolism, pH, Riskanalys, Tolerans, Antidepressant, BAF, BCF, Bioaccumulation, Bioconcentration, Biomagnification, CYP, Extraction technique, HF-LPME, Ionizable pharmaceutical, Metabolism, pH, Risk assessment, Tolerance, Wastewater
135 pages
Media-Tryck, Lund University, Sweden
defense location
The Blue Hall, Ecology Building, Sölvegatan 37, Lund
defense date
2019-12-06 09:00:00
LU publication?
date added to LUP
2019-10-21 08:42:42
date last changed
2019-11-14 11:10:29
  abstract     = {{Pharmaceuticals are found at low concentrations (ng/L) in aquatic environments but bioaccumulation may result in aquatic organisms reaching internal effect levels (µg/L). Environmental hazard assessments include standardized bioaccumulation tests but contrary to the model substances around which the frameworks are built most pharmaceuticals are designed to mimic endogenic chemicals, ionizable, and less lipophilic. Hence, if using the same frameworks one may over- or underestimate hazard. I used the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) fluoxetine and sertraline, both weak bases, and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and ibuprofen, all four weak acids to evaluate possible over- or underestimation in hazard assessments. Also, to quantify the pharmaceuticals in organism tissue I developed a hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) method. The enrichment factor was high, 1900-3000 times, thus, the method is applicable for quantification at environmentally relevant concentrations. <br/>Misestimation of predicted pharmaceutical bioaccumulation may be due to: pH-dependent uptake. Degree of uncharged molecule uptake is greater than for ions and water pHs decreasing ionization will increase bioaccumulation and, thereby, also toxicity. Environmental pH typically ranges between 6 and 9 but hazard assessments are usually performed using toxicity data determined at one pH only. Using data from Daphnia magna toxicity testing at pH 7 and a pH distribution data set with over 4000 European running waters, I took a probabilistic modelling approach to study misestimations of hazard. European waters are often slightly basic and the model predicted underestimation by a median factor of 3 for the bases (90% of the results ranging from 1 to 6) and overestimation by a factor of 2 for acids (90% of the results ranging from 0.03 to 5). Because aquatic pH exhibited large variation both within and between countries, I advise the use of site-specific risk assessments for ionizable pharmaceuticals when making water management decisions. Organisms adapting to living in chronically polluted waters by reducing bioaccumulation. I compared fluoxetine bioaccumulation in a fish population (Rutilus rutilus) residing in a by wastewater polluted environment to a population living upstream the polluted site. Bioaccumulation in fish from the polluted site was 10% lower than in fish upstream, and this still remained after exposing detoxified fish. This indicates adaptation and because it was not temporary, suggests alterations on a heritable genetic level. Consideration of the influence of pollution history on bioconcentration in hazard assessments could be called for, as identical experimental and environmental external exposure concentrations may result in different internal exposure. The standardized hazard assessment test species not being the ones bioaccumulating the most. Dietary transfer is an important route of uptake for the early model substances and may result in trophic accumulation, but published data are inconclusive concerning such importance for pharmaceuticals. To study possible trophic transfer, I exposed two three-level aquatic food chains (leaf detritus, Acer platanoides; fed to Asellus aquaticus; in turn fed to Notonecta glauca or Pungitius pungitius) to the SSRIs. Bioaccumulation was 20-50% lower at higher trophic levels, indicating that dietary transfer is not of importance for internal concentrations. Organisms at low trophic levels had the highest internal concentrations, suggesting importance for their inclusion in hazard assessments. <br/>My results conclude that to make informed water management decisions site specific conditions such as pH and history of pollution need to be considered if not to over- or underestimate hazard. Also, standardized bioaccumulation test species may not be the ones reaching the highest internal concentrations in the wild and hazard may, consequently, become underestimate.}},
  author       = {{Boström, Marja L.}},
  isbn         = {{978-91-7895-303-5}},
  keywords     = {{Antidepressiva medel, Avloppsvatten, BAF, BCF, Bioackumulation, Biokoncentration, Biomagnifikation, CYP, Extraktionsteknik, HF-LPME, Joniserbara läkemedel, Metabolism, pH, Riskanalys, Tolerans; Antidepressant, BAF, BCF, Bioaccumulation, Bioconcentration, Biomagnification, CYP, Extraction technique, HF-LPME, Ionizable pharmaceutical, Metabolism, pH, Risk assessment, Tolerance, Wastewater}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  month        = {{11}},
  publisher    = {{Media-Tryck, Lund University, Sweden}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  title        = {{Uptake and bioaccumulation of ionizable pharmaceuticals in aquatic organisms}},
  url          = {{}},
  year         = {{2019}},