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LUP Student Papers


“Är jag ignorant?”: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om individuell sångundervisning för transpersoner

Simon, Linnea LU (2021) LAMP72 20211
Malmö Academy of Music
Abstract (Swedish)
2017 inkom 153 olika remissyttranden från bland annat Statens skolverk och Statens kulturråd, med förslag för hur transpersoner i Sverige kan få stärkt ställning och levnadsvillkor i Sverige (SOU 2017:92). Mot bakgrund av detta har denna studie för avsikt att kartlägga trans*+sångares och sånglärares uppfattningar om och upplevelser av hur de arbetar tillsammans i individuell sångundervisningen. Syftet är att synliggöra hur dialogen mellan eleven och sångpedagogen ser ut och vad de menar skapar en trygg och lärorik undervismiljö. För studien genomfördes åtta stycken semistruktuerade intervjuer. Informanterna var fyra lärare/elev-par där lärarna identifierade sig som cispersoner och eleverna som transpersoner. Respektive informant... (More)
2017 inkom 153 olika remissyttranden från bland annat Statens skolverk och Statens kulturråd, med förslag för hur transpersoner i Sverige kan få stärkt ställning och levnadsvillkor i Sverige (SOU 2017:92). Mot bakgrund av detta har denna studie för avsikt att kartlägga trans*+sångares och sånglärares uppfattningar om och upplevelser av hur de arbetar tillsammans i individuell sångundervisningen. Syftet är att synliggöra hur dialogen mellan eleven och sångpedagogen ser ut och vad de menar skapar en trygg och lärorik undervismiljö. För studien genomfördes åtta stycken semistruktuerade intervjuer. Informanterna var fyra lärare/elev-par där lärarna identifierade sig som cispersoner och eleverna som transpersoner. Respektive informant intervjuades separat.
Resultatet av studien visar på att alla informantpar tycks ha väl fungerande och utvecklande relationer. Det framgår även att eleverna upplever en stark koppling mellan deras röst och könsidentitet vilket majoriteten av lärarna uppfattat. Genom resultatet går det även att utläsa en varierande kunskapsnivå hos sånglärarna såväl som eleverna gällande trans*+röster. Vidare visar resultatet på ett cisnormativt språkbruk när sånglärarna talar om röster generellt och även när de talar om sin elev. (Less)
153 inquiries were made in 2017 by, among others, The National Agency for Education in Sweden and the Swedish Arts Council in regard to how to improve transgender people’s position and living conditions in Sweden (SOU 2017:92). The purpose of this study is to survey the observations and experiences of trans*+ singers and singing teachers in an educational environment, and how their roles coincide within one-to-one singing tuition. The purpose of this study is also to explain how the dialogue between the pupil and the singing teacher is regarded by the informants; and to research which distinguishing features the informants consider may create a safe and educational study environment. This study is based on eight semi-structured interviews.... (More)
153 inquiries were made in 2017 by, among others, The National Agency for Education in Sweden and the Swedish Arts Council in regard to how to improve transgender people’s position and living conditions in Sweden (SOU 2017:92). The purpose of this study is to survey the observations and experiences of trans*+ singers and singing teachers in an educational environment, and how their roles coincide within one-to-one singing tuition. The purpose of this study is also to explain how the dialogue between the pupil and the singing teacher is regarded by the informants; and to research which distinguishing features the informants consider may create a safe and educational study environment. This study is based on eight semi-structured interviews. The participants of this study were four teachers and their respective students, with the teachers self- identifying as cisgendered, and the pupils as transgender. Each participant was interviewed separately.
The results indicate a functioning, and educational relationship between each teacher and their respective pupil. Evidence reveals that the pupils experience a strong connection between their voice and their gender identity, a connection that is mostly recognised by the teachers. Furthermore, varying levels of knowledge pertaining to the trans*+ voices were discovered amongst both teachers and pupils. Finally, the results present the usage of a cisnormative language; used by the teachers in reference to their pupils whilst discussing vocals. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Simon, Linnea LU
alternative title
“Am I ignorant?”: A qualitative interview study regarding one-to-one tuition for trans*+ singers
LAMP72 20211
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Identitet, Språkbruk, sång, Sångundervisning, Transperson, Trans*+, Trans*+röst, Trans*+sångare, Utbildningsvetenskap, Musikpedagogik, Identity, Language use, Singing tuition, Transgender, Trans*+ voice, Trans*+ singer, Voice, Educational Science, Music Education
date added to LUP
2021-06-10 16:40:35
date last changed
2022-01-14 12:25:52
  abstract     = {{153 inquiries were made in 2017 by, among others, The National Agency for Education in Sweden and the Swedish Arts Council in regard to how to improve transgender people’s position and living conditions in Sweden (SOU 2017:92). The purpose of this study is to survey the observations and experiences of trans*+ singers and singing teachers in an educational environment, and how their roles coincide within one-to-one singing tuition. The purpose of this study is also to explain how the dialogue between the pupil and the singing teacher is regarded by the informants; and to research which distinguishing features the informants consider may create a safe and educational study environment. This study is based on eight semi-structured interviews. The participants of this study were four teachers and their respective students, with the teachers self- identifying as cisgendered, and the pupils as transgender. Each participant was interviewed separately.
The results indicate a functioning, and educational relationship between each teacher and their respective pupil. Evidence reveals that the pupils experience a strong connection between their voice and their gender identity, a connection that is mostly recognised by the teachers. Furthermore, varying levels of knowledge pertaining to the trans*+ voices were discovered amongst both teachers and pupils. Finally, the results present the usage of a cisnormative language; used by the teachers in reference to their pupils whilst discussing vocals.}},
  author       = {{Simon, Linnea}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{“Är jag ignorant?”: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om individuell sångundervisning för transpersoner}},
  year         = {{2021}},