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Lund University Publications


En bildpedagogisk studie : lärare undervisar och elever gör bilder

Wetterholm, Hans LU (2001) In Studia psychologica et paedagogica
The art education in Swedish primary and secondary schools is far from perfect and as a result pupils seldom reach the desired standard. National evaluations in 1989 and 1992 confirm this. Teachers admit that they lack specific subject knowledge and evaluation reveals that many aspects of older curricula still prevail. The way in which the present problems may have arisen is described through the history of art education in Swedish schools in this study. It is against this background that the study has been conducted with the intention of examining how the 1994 national curriculum influences two Swedish primary school teachers.The theoretical base and ground for the analysis are the paradigm of the Swedish school system and the national... (More)
The art education in Swedish primary and secondary schools is far from perfect and as a result pupils seldom reach the desired standard. National evaluations in 1989 and 1992 confirm this. Teachers admit that they lack specific subject knowledge and evaluation reveals that many aspects of older curricula still prevail. The way in which the present problems may have arisen is described through the history of art education in Swedish schools in this study. It is against this background that the study has been conducted with the intention of examining how the 1994 national curriculum influences two Swedish primary school teachers.The theoretical base and ground for the analysis are the paradigm of the Swedish school system and the national curriculum for art education with the four aspects: 1. Seeing and observing, 2. Picture production, 3. Picture interpretation, 4. Using pictures. Each aspect is explained according to relevant theory. The objectives of the artwork are finally described and analysed according to four aspects: 1. Mimetic, 2. Objective, 3. Expressive, 4. Pragmatic. The study was designed as an action research project in four phases: 1. Problem identification, 2. Teachers´ diaries keeping and pupils´ portfolio collection, 3. Analyses of diaries and portfolios, and 4. Evaluation together with the teachers.The results are presented in three parts: Analyses of the diaries, the result of the pupils´ artwork, and finally a discussion of the evaluation together with the teachers.It can be clearly seen from the summaries of the teachers´ diaries that they have strived to meet the goals and aims in the curriculum. They have been able to teach according to the Swedish curriculum in art education. This result is confirmed by the analyses of the pupils? artwork. The two teachers showed great interest in having their work documented and analysed. The study was useful not only for them, but also for their colleagues and pupils. The artwork is a physically observable result and has an attraction that highlights the communicative possibilities of pictures.The teachers maintain that a well-educated class teacher is best for teaching art in primary school, not a special art teacher. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Bildundervisningen i grundskolans tidigare år uppfyller inte de i Sverige uppsatta målen. De nationella utvärderingarna (NU 89) och (NU92) bekräftar detta. Lärarna säger att de saknar ämneskunskaper och utvärderingarna visar att inslag från äldre läroplaner präglar undervisningen. För att ge en bild av hur nuvarande problem kan ha uppstått presenteras i studien en historisk tillbakablick. Det är mot den bakgrunden studien har genomförts med intentionen att se hur aktuell läroplan (Lpo 94) kan genomföras av lärare i grundskolans tidigare år.

Den teoretiska bakgrunden vilar på den kunskapssyn som präglar den svenska grundskolan samt på aktuell kursplan i bild. Kursplanen är... (More)
Popular Abstract in Swedish

Bildundervisningen i grundskolans tidigare år uppfyller inte de i Sverige uppsatta målen. De nationella utvärderingarna (NU 89) och (NU92) bekräftar detta. Lärarna säger att de saknar ämneskunskaper och utvärderingarna visar att inslag från äldre läroplaner präglar undervisningen. För att ge en bild av hur nuvarande problem kan ha uppstått presenteras i studien en historisk tillbakablick. Det är mot den bakgrunden studien har genomförts med intentionen att se hur aktuell läroplan (Lpo 94) kan genomföras av lärare i grundskolans tidigare år.

Den teoretiska bakgrunden vilar på den kunskapssyn som präglar den svenska grundskolan samt på aktuell kursplan i bild. Kursplanen är formulerad i fyra aspekter, nämligen: 1. att se och iaktta, 2. att framställa bilder, 3. att tolka bilder samt 4. att använda bilder. Varje aspekt är i studien beskrivs med hjälp av relevant teori. Elevernas bilder har analyserats avseende syftet med framställningen, nämligen: 1. avbildande syfte, 2. i syftet att vara estetiskt, 3. att vara emotionellt uttryck, och/eller 4. att vara kognitivt uttryck.

Studien är utförd som en aktion i två lärares undervisning (action research). Den genomfördes i fyra faser, nämligen: 1. identifiera problem, 2. lärarna för dagböcker och eleverna utför bilder samlade i portföljer 3. dagböcker och elevbilder analyseras samt 4.resultatet utvärderas tillsammans med lärarna.

Resultatet är presenterat i tre delar: 1. analys av dagböcker, 2. analys av elevbilder, 3. resultat av lärarsamtal.

Det framgår tydligt av dagboksanalyserna att lärarna strävar efter att följa aktuell kursplan. De kan undervisa efter läroplanens uppdrag vilket framgår av analys av elevbilder och lärardagböcker. De båda lärarna visar stor tillfredställelse över att se sin undervisning dokumenterad och analyserad. Studien var till glädje inte endast för dem utan också för kolleger och deras elever. Elevbilder är iakttagbara objekt och visar bildspråkets kommunikativa möjligheter.

De båda lärarna menar att välutbildade klasslärare bättre kan tillgodose bildämnets krav än ämneslärare, som endast sporadiskt möter eleverna. (Less)
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  • Prof. Lindström, Lars
alternative title
A Study of Art Education: Teachers´Teaching and Pupuils´Picture Production
publishing date
publication status
Pedagogy and didactics, pupil artwork, primary school, picture communication, pictorial language, Action research, art education, Pedagogik, didaktik, Psychology, Psykologi
Studia psychologica et paedagogica
216 pages
Institutionen för pedagogik, Lärarhögskolan, 205 06 Malmö
defense location
Malmö Univerity, School of Education
defense date
2001-12-13 10:15:00
external identifiers
  • other:ISRN: LUSADG/(SAPP-1083) 1-216 (2201)
LU publication?
18078421-ad25-41b8-a96a-90d566f86cbe (old id 27768)
date added to LUP
2016-04-01 16:09:50
date last changed
2019-05-23 16:30:57
  abstract     = {{The art education in Swedish primary and secondary schools is far from perfect and as a result pupils seldom reach the desired standard. National evaluations in 1989 and 1992 confirm this. Teachers admit that they lack specific subject knowledge and evaluation reveals that many aspects of older curricula still prevail. The way in which the present problems may have arisen is described through the history of art education in Swedish schools in this study. It is against this background that the study has been conducted with the intention of examining how the 1994 national curriculum influences two Swedish primary school teachers.The theoretical base and ground for the analysis are the paradigm of the Swedish school system and the national curriculum for art education with the four aspects: 1. Seeing and observing, 2. Picture production, 3. Picture interpretation, 4. Using pictures. Each aspect is explained according to relevant theory. The objectives of the artwork are finally described and analysed according to four aspects: 1. Mimetic, 2. Objective, 3. Expressive, 4. Pragmatic. The study was designed as an action research project in four phases: 1. Problem identification, 2. Teachers´ diaries keeping and pupils´ portfolio collection, 3. Analyses of diaries and portfolios, and 4. Evaluation together with the teachers.The results are presented in three parts: Analyses of the diaries, the result of the pupils´ artwork, and finally a discussion of the evaluation together with the teachers.It can be clearly seen from the summaries of the teachers´ diaries that they have strived to meet the goals and aims in the curriculum. They have been able to teach according to the Swedish curriculum in art education. This result is confirmed by the analyses of the pupils? artwork. The two teachers showed great interest in having their work documented and analysed. The study was useful not only for them, but also for their colleagues and pupils. The artwork is a physically observable result and has an attraction that highlights the communicative possibilities of pictures.The teachers maintain that a well-educated class teacher is best for teaching art in primary school, not a special art teacher.}},
  author       = {{Wetterholm, Hans}},
  isbn         = {{91-88810-21-6}},
  issn         = {{0346-5926}},
  keywords     = {{Pedagogy and didactics; pupil artwork; primary school; picture communication; pictorial language; Action research; art education; Pedagogik; didaktik; Psychology; Psykologi}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  publisher    = {{Institutionen för pedagogik, Lärarhögskolan, 205 06 Malmö}},
  school       = {{Lund University}},
  series       = {{Studia psychologica et paedagogica}},
  title        = {{En bildpedagogisk studie : lärare undervisar och elever gör bilder}},
  year         = {{2001}},