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Lund University Publications


Modelling and Simulation of the Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling

Abugabbara, Marwan LU orcid (2021) In TVIT

District heating and cooling are efficient systems for distributing heat and cold in urban areas. They are a key solution for planning future urban energy-efficient systems due to their high potential for integrating renewable energy sources. The systems also play an important role in community resilience, which makes them a multidisciplinary research topic. The continuous development of these systems has now reached the fifth-generation whereby end-customers can benefit from the intrinsic synergies this generation offers.


A typical Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) system... (More)

District heating and cooling are efficient systems for distributing heat and cold in urban areas. They are a key solution for planning future urban energy-efficient systems due to their high potential for integrating renewable energy sources. The systems also play an important role in community resilience, which makes them a multidisciplinary research topic. The continuous development of these systems has now reached the fifth-generation whereby end-customers can benefit from the intrinsic synergies this generation offers.


A typical Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) system consists of connected buildings that together have simultaneous heating and cooling demands. Local heat pumps and chillers in decentralised substations modulate the low network temperature to the desired building supply temperatures. The demands are potentially balanced by the means of recovering local waste heat from chillers, while also utilising heat pumps to provide direct cooling. The heat carrier fluid in the distribution pipes can therefore flow in either direction in the so-called bidirectional low-temperature network. A balancing unit is incorporated to compensate for network energy imbalances.


The exchange of energy flows is realised at different stages within the individual building and across connected buildings. Numerous factors influence the quantity and quality of the exchanged energy flows. Demand profiles in each building, the efficiency of building energy systems, and control logics of system components are some examples of these factors. Investigating this generation using traditional computational tools developed using imperative programming languages is no longer suitable due to system complexity, size variability, and changes adopted in different use cases.


Modelica is a free open-source equation-based object-oriented language used for the modelling and simulation of multi-domain physical systems. Models are described by differential-algebraic and discrete equations. The mathematical relations between model variables are encapsulated inside an icon that represents the model. Different component models interface variables through standardised interfaces and connection lines. Large complex systems are composed by the visual assembly of components in a Lego-like approach. Models developed in Modelica can be easily inherited for rapid virtual prototyping and/or edited to adopt changes in the model use.


This dissertation has a fourfold objective. Firstly, it demonstrates the development of a simulation model for an installed 5GDHC system located in Lund, Sweden. Secondly, it characterises the components that constitute a 5GDHC system. Thirdly, it unravels the exchange of energy flows at different system levels and describes, in a logical progression, the modelling of 5GDHC with Modelica. Fourthly, it presents ethical risk analyses of the different role-combinations that may arise in 5GDHC business models. The developed model is used in performing annual simulations and to evaluate the system performance under two different substation design cases.


The results indicate that adding a direct cooling heat exchanger in each substation can reduce the electric energy consumption at both substation and system levels by about 10 and 7 %, respectively. Moreover, the annual waste heat to ambient air can be decreased by about 17 %. The dissertation fosters an ethical discourse that engages the public and all who take part in the multidisciplinary research on 5GDHC to guarantee safe operation and appropriate services. Future research will build on the models presented in this dissertation to investigate different network temperature and pressure control strategies, in addition to adopting several design concepts for balancing units and thermal energy storage systems.

Abstract (Swedish)
Fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla är ändamålsenliga system för distribution av värme och kyla i tätbebyggda områden. Dessa system är viktiga vid planeringen av framtida energieffektiva system på grund av deras höga potential för att integrera förnybara energikällor. Systemen spelar också en viktig roll i samhällets energiförsörjningssäkerhet, vilket gör dem till ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsområde. Den kontinuerliga utvecklingen av dessa system har nu nått sin, som man uttrycker det, femte generation där slutkunder kan dra nytta av de inneboende synergier som denna generation erbjuder.

Ett typiskt femte generations fjärrvärme- och kylsystem (5GDHC) består av anslutna byggnader som tillsammans har samtidigt värme- och kylbehov. Lokala... (More)
Fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla är ändamålsenliga system för distribution av värme och kyla i tätbebyggda områden. Dessa system är viktiga vid planeringen av framtida energieffektiva system på grund av deras höga potential för att integrera förnybara energikällor. Systemen spelar också en viktig roll i samhällets energiförsörjningssäkerhet, vilket gör dem till ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsområde. Den kontinuerliga utvecklingen av dessa system har nu nått sin, som man uttrycker det, femte generation där slutkunder kan dra nytta av de inneboende synergier som denna generation erbjuder.

Ett typiskt femte generations fjärrvärme- och kylsystem (5GDHC) består av anslutna byggnader som tillsammans har samtidigt värme- och kylbehov. Lokala värmepumpar och kylmaskiner i decentraliserade undercentraler använder den låga nättemperaturen för att förse byggnaderna med nödvändig temperatur. Energibehovet balanseras genom att återvinna lokal spillvärme från kylmaskiner, samtidigt som man använder värmepumpar för direkt kylning. Värmebärarvätskan i distributionsrören kan därför strömma i båda riktningarna i det så kallade dubbelriktade lågtemperaturnätet. En balanseringsenhet införs för att kompensera för energiobalanser i nätet.

Utbytet av effekt sker i olika delsystem inom den enskilda byggnaden och också mellan anslutna byggnader. Många faktorer påverkar kvantiteten och kvaliteten på de utbytta effekterna. Behovsprofiler i varje byggnad, effektiviteten i byggnadens energisystem och reglerinställningar för systemkomponenter är några exempel på dessa faktorer. Att undersöka femte generationens fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla med traditionella beräkningsverktyg som utvecklats med konventionella programmeringsspråk är inte längre lämpligt på grund av systemkomplexitet, storleksvariation och variationer som uppstår i olika användningsfall.

Modelica är ett gratis ekvationbaserad objektorienterat språk baserat på öppen källkod. Modelicavaldes för modellering och simulering av fysiska system med flera domäner. Modeller beskrivs med differentialalgebraiska ekvationer och diskreta ekvationer. De matematiska förhållandena mellan modellvariabler är inkapslade i en ikon som representerar modellen. Olika komponentmodeller har standardiserade gränssnitt till andra komponentmodeller. Stora komplexa system består av en visuell sammansättningen av komponenter på ett Lego-liknande tillvägagångssätt. Modeller som utvecklats i Modelica kan enkelt ärvas för snabba virtuella prototypbyggen eller redigeras om förändringar i modellen behövs.

Denna licentiatavhandling har ett fyra mål. För det första beskrivs utveklingen av en simuleringsmodell för ett installerat 5GDHC-system i Lund, Sverige. För det andra karakteriseras komponenterna som utgör ett 5GDHC-system. För det tredje beskrivs utbytet av energiförflyttningar på olika systemnivåer och visas utvecklingen av modelleringen av 5GDHC med Modelica. För det fjärde presenteras etiska riskanalyser av de olika aktörsrollskombinationerna som kan uppstå i 5GDHC-affärsmodeller. Den utvecklade modellen används för att utföra årliga simuleringar och för att utvärdera systemets prestanda under två olika fall av undercentraler.

Resultaten indikerar att tillsats av en direktkylningsvärmeväxlare i varje undercentral kan minska den elanvändningen vid både undercentralen och i hela systemet med cirka 10 respektive 7 %. Dessutom kan den årliga spillvärmen till omgivande luft minskas med cirka 17 %. Avhandlingen främjar en etisk diskurs som engagerar allmänheten och alla som deltar i den tvärvetenskapliga forskningen om 5GDHC för att garantera säker drift och lämpliga tjänster. Framtida forskning kommer att bygga på modellerna som presenteras i denna avhandling för att undersöka olika nättemperatur- och tryckregleringsstrategier, förutom att testa fler konstruktionerslösningar för balanseringsenheter och lagringssystem för termisk energi.
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Waste heat recovery, Heat pumps, 5GDHC, Modelica, Ethical risk analyses
138 pages
Division of Building Services, LTH, Lund University
Ectogrid – A sustainable society by use and optimization of shared local energy surplus
Shallow geothermal energy - the green and effective heating and cooling grids of the future (COOLGEOHEAT)
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2021-05-21 10:35:40
  abstract     = {{<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm">District heating and cooling are efficient systems for distributing heat and cold in urban areas. They are a key solution for planning future urban energy-efficient systems due to their high potential for integrating renewable energy sources. The systems also play an important role in community resilience, which makes them a multidisciplinary research topic. The continuous development of these systems has now reached the fifth-generation whereby end-customers can benefit from the intrinsic synergies this generation offers.</p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm"> </p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm">A typical Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) system consists of connected buildings that together have simultaneous heating and cooling demands. Local heat pumps and chillers in decentralised substations modulate the low network temperature to the desired building supply temperatures. The demands are potentially balanced by the means of recovering local waste heat from chillers, while also utilising heat pumps to provide direct cooling. The heat carrier fluid in the distribution pipes can therefore flow in either direction in the so-called bidirectional low-temperature network. A balancing unit is incorporated to compensate for network energy imbalances.</p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm"> </p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm">The exchange of energy flows is realised at different stages within the individual building and across connected buildings. Numerous factors influence the quantity and quality of the exchanged energy flows. Demand profiles in each building, the efficiency of building energy systems, and control logics of system components are some examples of these factors. Investigating this generation using traditional computational tools developed using imperative programming languages is no longer suitable due to system complexity, size variability, and changes adopted in different use cases.</p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm"> </p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm">Modelica is a free open-source equation-based object-oriented language used for the modelling and simulation of multi-domain physical systems. Models are described by differential-algebraic and discrete equations. The mathematical relations between model variables are encapsulated inside an icon that represents the model. Different component models interface variables through standardised interfaces and connection lines. Large complex systems are composed by the visual assembly of components in a Lego-like approach. Models developed in Modelica can be easily inherited for rapid virtual prototyping and/or edited to adopt changes in the model use. </p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm"> </p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm">This dissertation has a fourfold objective. Firstly, it demonstrates the development of a simulation model for an installed 5GDHC system located in Lund, Sweden. Secondly, it characterises the components that constitute a 5GDHC system. Thirdly, it unravels the exchange of energy flows at different system levels and describes, in a logical progression, the modelling of 5GDHC with Modelica. Fourthly, it presents ethical risk analyses of the different role-combinations that may arise in 5GDHC business models. The developed model is used in performing annual simulations and to evaluate the system performance under two different substation design cases.</p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm"> </p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm"/><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0cm">The results indicate that adding a direct cooling heat exchanger in each substation can reduce the electric energy consumption at both substation and system levels by about 10 and 7 %, respectively. Moreover, the annual waste heat to ambient air can be decreased by about 17 %. The dissertation fosters an ethical discourse that engages the public and all who take part in the multidisciplinary research on 5GDHC to guarantee safe operation and appropriate services. Future research will build on the models presented in this dissertation to investigate different network temperature and pressure control strategies, in addition to adopting several design concepts for balancing units and thermal energy storage systems.</p>}},
  author       = {{Abugabbara, Marwan}},
  isbn         = {{978-91-85415-15-1}},
  issn         = {{1652-6783}},
  keywords     = {{Waste heat recovery; Heat pumps; 5GDHC; Modelica; Ethical risk analyses}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  month        = {{05}},
  note         = {{Licentiate Thesis}},
  number       = {{1004}},
  publisher    = {{Division of Building Services, LTH, Lund University}},
  series       = {{TVIT}},
  title        = {{Modelling and Simulation of the Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling}},
  url          = {{}},
  year         = {{2021}},