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- 2023
Temporal trends of 4-Hydroxychlorothalonil in maternal serum samples, 1997-2015
2023) MVEM12 20221(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (Two yrs)
- 2022
Mätmetoder för ytemissioner av deponigas - En fallstudie på Filbornadeponin i Helsingborg
- Master (Two yrs)
Eftersortera för att minska plastförbränningen
- Master (Two yrs)
Full Material Declaration - A case study on the readiness for declaring Full Material Declaration of chemical substances in components, used in finished products
2022) MVEM12 20221(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (Two yrs)
Combining GHG Emissions and Soil Carbon Changes as a Single Metric to Evaluate Agricultural Policy Promoting Biomass for Biofuels
2022) MVEM12 20221(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (Two yrs)
It's smart, but is it sustainable? A study of circular and social sustainability in smart grids.
- Master (Two yrs)
How to mainstream secondhand consumption - a quantitative case study of a company in the refurbishment products industry
- Master (Two yrs)
How brownification and eutrophication effects a drinking water source – with Lake Bolmen, Sweden, in focus
2022) MVEM12 20221(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (Two yrs)
Bekämpa roten till det onda: Effekten av värmebehandling på parkslide
2022) MVEM12 20221(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (Two yrs)
Wetlands and biochar: Possible management methods to reduce DOC in river water
2022) MVEM12 20221(
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)
Studies in Environmental Science- Master (Two yrs)