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- 2012
Drought in the Sahel : global and local driving forces and their impact on vegetation in the 20th and 21st century
- Bach. Degree
- 2011
The potential of support vector machine classification of land use and land cover using seasonality from MODIS satellite data
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Master (Two yrs)
BVOC emissions from a subarctic mountain birch : analysis of short term chamber measurements
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Master (One yr)
The ethanol industry and its impact on land use and biodiversity : a case study of Saõ Paulo State in Brazil
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Bach. Degree
Kartläggning av kväve i vatten i LKAB:s verksamhet i Malmberget år 2011 och kvävets betydelse i akvatiska ekosystem ur ett lokalt och ett globalt perspektiv
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Bach. Degree
Increase of tree abundance between 1960 and 2009 in the treeline of Luongastunturi in the northern Swedish Scandes : change detection based on aerial photographs
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Bach. Degree
Food security and food sufficiency in Ethiopia and eastern Africa
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Bach. Degree
The effect of natural disturbances on the carbon balance of boreal forests
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Bach. Degree
Modelling noice exposure from roads : a case study in Burlöv municipality
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Master (Two yrs)
Impacts of Northern Hemisphere teleconnections on the hydropower production in southern Sweden
2011) In Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminar series NGEM01 20111(
Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science- Master (Two yrs)