Studies in Environmental Science
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- 2024
Drivers and barriers for outdoor education - An insight from Swedish elementary school teachers
2024) MVEM02 20241(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (One yr)
- 2023
Den nuvarande livsmedelssäkerhetens potential - En studie av livsmedelssäkerhetens senare framgång och framtida möjligheter
2023) MVEM13 20221(
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)
Studies in Environmental Science- Master (Two yrs)
Kommunikation av osäkerhet i EFSAs livsmedelsbedömningar
2023) MVEM03 20221(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (One yr)
Temporal trends of 4-Hydroxychlorothalonil in maternal serum samples, 1997-2015
2023) MVEM12 20221(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (Two yrs)
Grönplanens roller och innehåll: Implementering och inflytande i den fysiska planeringen
2023) MVEM30 20222(
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)
Studies in Environmental Science- Master (Two yrs)
Barriärer och Styrmedel för kommunal klimatanpassning
2023) In MVEM30 MVEM30 20222(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (Two yrs)
Att Skapa Ringar på Vatten
2023) MVEM30 20222(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (Two yrs)
The Influence and Potential Use of Values in Swedish Forestry - From the perspective of private forest owners and interactive methods
- Master (Two yrs)
Rätten till reparation: En litteraturstudie om konceptet rätt att reparera
2023) MVEM02 20231(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Master (One yr)
Miljöpåverkan av hönsfoder ur ett livscykelperspektiv
2023) MVEM02 20231(
Studies in Environmental Science
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)- Bach. Degree