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- 2019
Reducing business opposition to car-free city centres: The case of Oslo
2019) In IIIEE Master Thesis IMEN41 20192(
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics- Master (Two yrs)
- 2017
Steering Towards Low-Carbon Road Freight Transport Through Policies - The Case of Oslo
2017) In IIIEE Masters Thesis IMEN41 20172(
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics- Master (Two yrs)
Car Sharing and Urban Mobility in Malmö and San Francisco: A Niche Dynamic Perspective
2017) In IIIEE Theses IMEN56 20171(
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics- Master (Two yrs)
- 2016
Nudging och mobility management för mer hållbart resande - Finns kopplingar och komplement?
- Master (Two yrs)
- 2015
Relationship between Business Travels and Virtual Meetings: How organizations can use virtual meetings effectively to reduce business travels?
2015) In IIIEE Master thesis IMEN56 20151(
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics- Master (Two yrs)
Missed Connections: Mobility Management and the Swedish Public Transport Administration
2015) In IIIEE Master thesis IMEN41 20151(
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics- Master (Two yrs)
Vill vi låsa in vår cykel? Erfarenheter av låst cykelparkering i Lund och Malmö
- Master (Two yrs)
- 2014
Grön IT inom Lunds kommun - En granskning av kommunens tolkning och arbete relaterat till Grön IT
- Master (Two yrs)
Cykelplanering i svenska storstadsregioner -vem styr (egentligen?)
- Master (Two yrs)
Steering towards more cycling in Tallinn Assessing policy’s role in promoting urban cycling in “new cycle cities”
2014) In IIIEE Master thesis IMEN41 20141(
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics- Master (Two yrs)